Chapter 9

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          Paul didn’t even show up for school the next week, and the strangest thing was. I missed him. Like I seriously missed him. I couldn’t sleep at night and I was suddenly worried that I was the reason he left. Had he found out about the bet or something? I mean he was Paul we’d gone out twice, there was no way he had fallen for me. Maybe his ego was hurt a bit….but seriously, missing school for a week?

            The next Monday there was still no sign of Paul, I approached one of his player friends that I had seen him around school with all the time. “Hey babe,” he winked at me.

            “Have you um seen Paul lately, he hasn’t been at school?” I questioned.

            He made a face at the mention of Paul, “I haven’t spoken to him since he went missing for two weeks, when I tried he told me he wasn’t interested in being friends anymore, the only people I’ve seen him speak with since the incident is Jared, Sam, and well…you….” he trailed off.

            I blinked surprised, “What do you mean me?” I questioned confused.

            “That first week back after he dumped that Lisa chick, then made a fool of himself and asked you out, yeah, the whole school heard about you rejecting him…..he like followed you around the entire week like a lost puppy….then Andrew said he saw you two at the beach last week,” he said.

            I didn’t even know who Andrew was….I was just confused about him following me around like a lost puppy….and only speaking to me, Jared, and Sam. “So he just like dumped y’all after he got sick or something?” I questioned.

            He nodded, “Really weird, he hasn’t even shown up at any parties or anything, none of the sluts have heard from him either, Paul doesn’t miss a party…..and he’s missed six since he’s been back,” he told me.

            “Okay, uh thanks,” I said unsurely before going to look for Jared….the guy that he had mentioned he’d seen Paul with.

            I finally spotted him at lunch sitting by himself, I told Lisa I had a project I was partnered with him for and went and placed my lunch down next to him sliding in a seat. He looked up and rolled his eyes once he saw me. “Ali right?” he chuckled.

            I must have looked surprised he knew who I was, “Paul hasn’t shut up about you,” he told me.

            I must have looked even more confused because he just sighed, “Go ahead and ask me where he is, that’s why you came over here,” he told me.

            I just stared at him, “What do you mean he hasn’t shut up about me?” I asked him.

            He rolled his eyes, “It’s been Ali this and Ali that, since he asked you out after dumping your BFF Lisa,” he told me.

            “BUT WHY!? I mean he never even spoke to me before then!?” I questioned.

            “Why is Paul angry at the world? We all have our questions about him,” he joked.

            Jared was laughing at me, I could tell. He thought it was hilarious how I was so curious about Paul. Ass hole. I see why he and Paul were friends, “Is he planning on coming to school anytime soon?” I asked.

            “Why? Miss him?” he questioned.

            I clenched my teeth, who did this guy think he was, “NO! Lisa wants to know where he is,” I lied.

            “Sure, ‘Lisa’ does, he doesn’t care about her,” he told me.

            “Are you always this annoying?” I asked him.

            He chuckled, “You sounded just like Paul, just then,” he joked.

            I huffed annoyed about to stand up and leave, “Wait,” he sighed.

            I gave him a hard glare and he sighed, “Look, Paul’s fine, I’ll tell him you asked about him okay? Maybe that will get him to come back,” he told me.

            “So he did leave because of me?” I whispered my voice breaking.

            Jared’s eyes widened, “Why would you think that…..” he trailed off and I knew I was right.

            I looked down, “Paul will be back tomorrow, stop feeling guilty, Paul’s not mad at you,” he told me.

            My eyes widened, “Why did he….” I trailed off.

            “Can’t a guy eat his lunch in peace?” he whined.

            I frowned at him grabbing my lunch and walking off to Lisa’s table with more questions than I had before. “Did you tell Paul about the bet?” I whispered to her.

            “What? No! Why would I?” she asked.

            “Jared just implied that Paul’s absence has to do with me….” I whispered.

            “Maybe he’s wallowing in self pity, because he thinks you love James,” she giggled.

            Yeah, right, “Lisa, I’m serious, he seemed really off on Monday, and then he hasn’t been to school and…..” started to rant.

            “Oh God, Ali, please tell me you haven’t fallen for his charm!” she whined.

            “NO! I’m just worried is all,” I muttered.

            “Do not fall for him Ali, he’s no good, he’ll only throw you away, that’s what players do,” she snapped at me as the bell rang.

            I gulped knowing she was right, but I couldn’t get his brokenhearted expression out of my mind…..and the  guilt ridden thought that it was my fault. Looks like I would be going over to Sam Uley’s house since Jared wasn’t helpful at all.

            School ended and after a bit of digging around I found out Sam Uley shared a house with his girlfriend Emily and his house was only a block from mine, so I drove over there after dropping my books at home and telling my parents I was going to Lisa’s.

            I drove up to the house and the driveway was filled with cars so I parked on the street. I then walked up the steps to the house and just as I was about to knock on the door it flew open revealing a shirtless Paul Lahote.

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