Chapter 14

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          “Josh and James are twins they are two years older than Lisa and I, and when Lisa and I became friends in Kindergarten obviously I became friends with her brothers Josh and James as well. We were all so close…..especially Josh and I……we were both mega shy he hid behind his outgoing brother and I hid behind Lisa…..we attached ourselves to each other, and as we got older feelings started to change. It was eighth grade when he first kissed me. I remember he told me I was too beautiful for my own good,” I giggled at the memory.

            “We then began to date and we dated through Sophomore year, before the incident. It was one of the perfectly gooey and happy relationships. He treated me like a princess and I treated him like he was the sun, moon, and stars. We loved each other a lot more than most high school couples. We were for sure going to get married, everyone that saw us together said so. We had it all planned out we’d go to college in Seattle he’d propose at our four year college graduation and we’d get married we’d get an apartment together and finish up our schooling for medical school, then we’d move back to La Push, buy a house, and start a family. Then the accident happened……” I whispered.

            Paul gently rubbed my back at that, “He was thrown from the car, and his body was never found, James and I both thought we saw some red eyed man take him. We lived on that delusion everyone kept telling us he was dead neither of us believed him especially not James, he was his twin, and something told him he wasn’t dead. The idea of the man scared me, because unlike James I didn’t think the man was good. I thought he was evil…..his red eyes….they….they scared me…..I made myself believe just like everyone else that Josh was dead it was easier than thinking he could be out there being tortured……” I whispered.

            “I was a mess as was Lisa, we clung to each other at first then, James told my family about this church camp that he really wanted to go to….but he’d only go if I’d go…..Lisa wasn’t interested she was mad  at God as was I….but I’d do anything for James. So I agreed to go with him, then I realized that he lied about church camp, he brought me to Seattle….. He then started to talk about the red eyed man again, and convinced me to believe that maybe just maybe Josh wasn’t dead……” I whispered.

            “He and I looked everywhere in Seattle, and one night James even snuck us into….a….a….club….” I whispered unable to look at Paul as I told him the next part. I needed to tell him everything, I owed that to him, “He and I were both exhausted, broken, and…..mad at the world…..we got drunk…..and……then he kissed me….and it was so easy to pretend it was Josh….he had the same everything except for the birthmark. We went back to the apartment, and I made love to ‘Josh’ giving him my first time,” I whispered tears in my eyes.

            “Ali,” Paul started, but I didn’t let him talk.

            “We woke up the next morning, and I was horrified, I slept with Josh’s brother…..I was so sure I was going right to hell. James then deluded himself into thinking he was in love with me, and that it was Josh in heaven saying that he wanted him to make me happy. He was already in a really bad place, he was driving the car that we crashed he blamed himself……that was the last straw. Something in James snapped, and I could tell that he wasn’t right in the head anymore. I adored James….I grew up with him, I knew that even insane he’d never hurt me. So I stayed with him watching over him for the rest of the summer. I gave up on the idea that Josh was alive, but I kept giving James hope that he was alive because I knew that as soon as James believed that Josh was truly dead, he’d try and follow in his footsteps. I couldn’t lose him too… I pretended to love him back…..” I whispered wiping a few tears from my cheeks.

            “I did things that summer, I’m not proud of Paul,  a lot of things, but I left him with promises I’d join him in his search once again when I finished high school. I think he knew I didn’t really love him, that’s why he always came back begging me to come with him…… Paul, I can’t go on a search again, and come back empty handed, it’d break me,” I whispered finally looking up to meet his eyes.

            His green eyes stared into mine reminding me much of Josh’s. He then gently wiped away a tear from my cheek. “Now, I think it’s my turn to tell you a secret as well,” he whispered.

            My eyes widened, “I think it’ll explain everything to you a bit better,” he whispered.

            I looked at him anxiously, but he stood up and pulled me outside into the forest and then he began to strip and let me tell you Paul was very blessed……. I was blushing like mad by this point.

            “I’m not going to hurt you Ali, remember that,” he told me seriously before backing up a few feet and then shifting into a gigantic wolf.

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