Chapter 4 - What i didn't want to happen

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The next morning, i got woken up by Snoopy licking my face. Half 9 in the morning, i hate getting up early. I went downstairs and got some breakfast, there wasn't really anything that i was wanting so i just had a slice of toast. After i had breakfast and went and took a quite shower,  washed my hair, and everything else you do while taking a shower. I brushed my teeth and went over to my closet and picked out an outfit.I picked out demin shorts, a Mickey mouse jumper and a pair of navy converses.(  I just left my light brown hair its natural way, wavy. 

Snoopy come jumping around into my room, i think he knew he was going out for a walk. I went downstairs and got his red lead and put it around his collar and said goodbye to my mum and left the house. 

When i went outside, i wasn't very sure where i was going to go as i just moved in yesterday but i'm sure i'll find my way around town. Once i left my driveway, i turned right. When i was walking up the street i was coming close to a house where a guy was playing basketball by himself. I felt sorry for him as he was playing on his own but i didn't really care. I recognized him though, i don't know where from, but when I was coming closer to his house it dawned on me, it was the guy who my mum said i should become friends with, i think his name with Austin or something. I wanted to ignore him but Snoopy had a different idea.When we walked past his house, Snoopy started to bark, i wished to myself he wouldn't turn around but the wish didn't come true.

Austin: Oh hey, Abigail isn't it?

Abigail: yes, austin right?

Austin: yeah, how is living in San Antonio so far then?

He's making small talk, really? i don't even want to talk to him, will he just shut up already.

Abigail: yeah it's okay i guess, last night my mum brought me a 'welcome to your new home' present which was a dog

Austin: oh and i guess this is him?

Austin started to pet Snoopy and looked up at me like he was asking me what his name was without actually saying it.

Abigail: yeah, his name is Snoopy

Austin: oh nice name.

Abigail: thanks, i better go,Snoopy needs walk *smiles*

Ausitn: okayy, i'll see you around then *smiles back*

With that i left. Thank god, i hate making small talk with people i don't want to know. I didn't want to tell him that i didn't want to get to know him, that would just be mean, i know what it's like getting ignored,getting picked on, getting bullied and all that. 

All throughout the walk, Austin was on my mind, i kept picturing his smile, he had a cute smile. Great this is exactly what i didn't want to happen, i didnt want to fall for someone again, perfect, does this mean i'm falling for Ausitn? No, it can't be, please not again. 

After i was done walking Snoopy, we went walking around town and went to a small park. We were walking back down our street, and Austin wasn't playing basket ball, i was relieved that he wasn't. But all that changed when him and his mum come outside.

Michele: Abigail, hello? 

Abigail: Michele, hi, how are you?

I didn't want to be mean so i had to speak to her.

Michele: i'm fine thank you, Austin told me about Snoopy, that your mum got you him as a present

Abigail: Yeah, that's right

Michele: well that's sweet of Pam to do that

Austin: mum shouldn't we start heading?

Michele: okay ausitn, there's no rush

Abigail: i'll leave you two to get to where you's are going, nice talking to you again *smiles*

Michele: you too Abigail, tell you mum i'll phone her tomorrow *smile*

Abigail: will do, see you later Michele

Michele: bye Abigail, have a nice day

I started to walk home again after i talked to Michele, i wonder where Austin wanted to go in such a hurry. Abigail! you don't care, stop thinking about him. I brought Snoopy back into the house and let him off his lead. It was around lunch time and i could smell food coming from the kitchen. I went into the kitchen and found mum cooking. It smelt good.

We were at the table and me and mum were talking about different stuff, like what my life was like back in New York, and what i did there and so on. There was a few minutes where we didn't talk. That's when it suddenly come out, i asked about Ausitn.

Abigail: remember yesterday, you introduced me to Michele and Ausitn?

Pamela: Yes, why?

Abigail: well i was wondering, who is Austin?

Pamela: What do you mean? He's a kid living on our street

Abigail: no like does he go to school, what's his job? if he even how one?

Pamela: Abigail, theres something you need to know about Austin. First, he's home-school. Second, he's a singer. Third he's not just Austin, he's Austin Mahone and fourth,he's huge, he has over 600 thousands fans, who are called Mahomies, he puts covers of him singing up on YouTube and he's already had like 4 concerts but he's an unsigned artist though . 

Abigail: Wow.

Pamela: are you crushing on him now Abi?

Abigail: Mum, no! he's not my type and i don't just fall for guys i just meet. 

Pamela: I'll believe you

I finished my lunch and we up to my room. I switched on my laptop and went onto YouTube and typed in Austin Mahone. Lots of videos come up, i clicked on one, it was his cover of Someone Like You by Adele. I listened to it and he was really good, there was other covers down the right hand side in the suggestions. There was his cover of 'Never Say Never' by Justin Bieber, 'I'll Be' by Edwin McCain, 'Wait for you' by Elliot Yamin and lots more. I watched all of them. He was really talent, there were lots of his fans commenting saying that they loved him and everything, they were cute. So was he, no Abigail! Don't fall for him, you get your heart broken again! 

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