Chapter 4

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No one's POV. The next day:

"Do we have any leading suspects?" A police officer asks the group. It was a few police officers that were their when they took Corey's body and two detectives.

"So far everyone seems ok. Most were home when it happened. They only person on that street that seemed a little off was Sarah Clark. She wasn't home when it happened and everyone said her and Corey argued a lot" The detective says

"Well then let's bring her in" A cop says.

"We can't bring her in. That's not good enough proof" The detective says

"Ok. Then let's talk about that shoe print" He says.

"All I can tell you is that they were size 7 Nike's" The detective says.

"Then let's go to her house and go through her shoes" The police officer says

"Let's do it" The detective says

Three cops and two detectives get a warrant and drive over to Sarah's house. They didn't turn their lights or sirens or anything on. The detective goes up to her house with everyone else following behind him.

He knocks and she answers with the fakest smile ever. She was expecting this visit. "Hello officers. What can I help you with?" She asks

"We have come to search your house for a few things" The detective says

"Do you have a warrant?" She asks thinking she would win this one

"Yes we do" The detective says and holds up the paper and hands it to her. They all go into her house and some go upstairs and others stay downstairs. Jet was in the living room playing video games and Layla and Emelia was sitting at the kitchen table eating there breakfast. Sarah went and sat with the girls, confident that they will find nothing because she is not the killer, or so she says.

"Found something" Ones of the cops yell. It was the black Nike shoes Chloe brought over yesterday.

The cop goes into the kitchen and says to Sarah, "Care to explain this"

"It's a pair of shoes." Sarah says in a state the obvious kinda way.

"Not just a pair of shoes. The pair of shoes the killer was wearing. See look at the print" He says.

"My niece Chloe brought those over yesterday. Sabrina borrowed them for something." Sarah says.

"Sarah, we're going to need you to come down to the police station to answer some questions. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way" The police officer says.

"You're really going to bring me to the police station over a pair of shoes that half of this country owns?" Sarah asks.

"Yes because it's not just any shoe. It's the shoe the killer wore" The cop says. He thought he solved the case and was pretty amazed.

"Lets just go" She says.

"Do you have anyone to watch the kids?" He asks

"Yeah. I already texted Sabrina to come over to watch them since I figured you would find something stupid and decided to bring me down to the police station. Which I was right" She says

Sabrina, Auggie and Sophia go over to Sarah's house to watch the kids. Chloe was at Beth's house for a playdate. Auggie sat and played video games with Jet while Layla and Emelia played with Sophia. Sabrina just kinda hung out in the kitchen and let the kids play.

When Sarah left all the other police did too. They didn't stay to finish searching the house.

"So Mrs. Clark, we ran the prints on the shoes and only yours and Chloe's are on their. So unless Chloe did it. You killed Corey" The young cop comes in and says

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