Chapter 3

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Grief, fear and guilt is the only way to explain what is going on in this street right now. After the interviews last night everyone went home to tell their kids about it and everyone ended up heartbroken. They are going to miss Corey. The only kids that knew about it beforehand were Auggie, Mckenna and Jet. Mckenna didn't think it was true and that he was just injured. Jet didn't really care because he doesn't care about anyone in the neighborhood. He just cares about his video games. His face is buried the a tv or iPad most of the time. They were feeling fear because, what if who ever did it comes back for more. Finally, they were feeling guilt because no one heard anything that night and were blaming it on themselves.

Rowan, Ocean and Amelia have been doing ok. Sabrina, Puck or Savannah have been going over there a lot during the day at different times. People were still trying to figure out why Sarah wasn't going over there. It seemed a little suspicious. Puck stayed with Rowan last night. He didn't want her to be alone in fear that the someone might come back and do it to her or ones of her kids. He ended up sleeping on the hallway floor last night. She asked if he wanted to sleep on the couch or anywhere else a little more comfortable but he didn't want to. He wanted to protect their rooms and stay where he was, He also helped out with Amelia a lot at night when she would start crying. Rowan would come out of her room and he would already be in there trying to calm her down. He would tell Rowan everything's fine and to go back to bed. Sabrina tried to stay over last night too but Rowan wouldn't let her. She said she has her own family to take care of.

Today the police and detective are going over to Rowan's house to talk about the evidence they found.

Rowan already sent the kids over to Sabrina's house since she volunteered to watch them do Rowan had no distractions

Two police officers and the detective knocks on the door. It was the same detective from yesterday and police officer that talked to Rowan and Ocean right after it happened and a police officer that was collecting evidence.

"Hi" She says and let's them in.

"Hi" They all say back.

"How are you doing?" The police officer that talked with Rowan and Ocean yesterday asked

"I'm hanging in there" She says.

"That's good. We can to talk to you on what we've found and to ask you a few more questions" The detective says.

"Ok" Rowan says.

"So here's what I've found. We found a shoe print outside near the big oak tree out there. Then there was just lots of blood in a puddle. There were no other clues. There is just one thing we aren't understanding. The door was wide open why didn't the murderer just walk right in and steal stuff or come up and do something to you. We really do think this was aimed at Corey and just Corey. Do you know anyone who would want to hurt him?" The detective asks.

"Not that I know of. Everyone seems to love him." She says.

"Do you think Sarah Carpenter did it? Someone said they saw her coming home late last night right after the time we suspect it happened. She denied it and said she was just going out to the car to get something" The detective says.

"No. I've known Sarah my whole life. She maybe be kinda nutty but she's not a liar. That's another reason she is nutty she always tells the truth" Rowan says.

"I believe it. She started talking about her sex life yesterday at the interview" The detective says.

"Too much information" Rowan says.

"So to wrap this up we always ask this question at the end. What was the worst part of your day yesterday?" A police officer asks

"Finding him and the look on Ocean's face when he saw him." She says and starts to get a little sad again.

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