Chapter 2

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No one's POV:

Rowan was waken up at seven o'clock in the morning by her one year old baby, Amelia. She opens her eyes and realizes Corey wasn't asleep next to her. She figures he just fell asleep on the couch last night when he got home from work. He does that often

She goes into Amelia's room and picks the crying baby up.

"It's ok. I got you" Rowan says and Amelia was still crying. Once she calmed her down, she puts Amelia on her hip and walks out of the bedroom.

Ocean was standing in the doorway of his bedroom rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning Oshee" Rowan says.

"Good morning mommy." He says.

"How did you sleep?" She asks.

"Good. Something really loud woke me up in the middle of the night though. I think it was fireworks" He says.

"It probably was. Everyone still has left over from Fourth of July" She says.

"Where's daddy?" Ocean asks.

"I think he's downstairs" She says.

"What's for breakfast?" He asks.

"I don't know. What do you want?" She asks.

"Eggs and bacon" He says.

"I can do that. I'll go start cooking now" She says.

"Can I play with Amelia?" He asks.

"Sure" She says and brings the baby into Ocean's room and sits her down. Ocean sits next to her and starts tickling her.

"Be careful. She's little" Rowan reminds him.

"I will" Ocean says.

Rowan goes downstairs to the living room and says "Corey?" In her normal voice.

No answer

She looks around and doesn't see him. She sees his camera bag on the kitchen table along with his phone and a half eaten meal. Her eyes keep going and she sees the sliding glass door to the backyard open and sees Corey's body lying there surrounded by a pool of blood. She walks closer to him with tears swelling up in her eyes. She goes up to it and sees the two bullet holes in his forehead and the one is his stomach.

She starts crying and runs inside to call 911.

"Ocean, no matter what stay upstairs" She calls up the stairs, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Ok mommy" He calls back downstairs.

She dials the police on the house phone.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator days.

"Um my husband" She starts and continues to cry but harder. "My husband" She repeats and pauses for a second.

"Take a deep breath. What happened to your husband" She operator asks.

"My husband was killed" She spits out.

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