Chapter 4 : Unhappily So

Start from the beginning

"Thank you." She thanked the guard with a thick accent of sarcasm. Zofia stepped outside and the door closed behind her. She took a few steps and noticed that the clanking of armor was following closely behind her. She paused and it stopped. She turned to look over her shoulder, as if wanting to catch the guard in the act. She scoffed her black slipper on the cobblestone and huffed angrily. She had a damn security detail on her now? Being royalty seemed to suck so hard to her. She kept walking, the armor still clanking after her.

"I don't need you to follow me, stay here." She insisted, waving her hand behind her. The guard said nothing and kept walking, speeding up when Zofia did. She was traveling at a brisk walking pace by the time she reached the end of the estate, escaping through the gates that another guard held open for her and her tail.

"Is it true?" Nik asked in a hurry as he caught Zofia right outside the gates of the grey castle. She gasped at his suddenness, stepping back as the guard separated them, prying his hand off her arm. Zofia looked at him, her eyes casting to the ground. He only needed to see the guard to realize that it was in fact true.

"What did you hear?" She asked him, frowning up at him. His beautiful eyes were storms. She had to step around the guard, but the idiot separated them again. Nik's eyes conveyed something she had never seen in them before. It confused her and she wished she could just read his mind right then.

Nik shuffled and fiddled with his fingers before he shook his head. "Every noble in the city got an invitation, Zofia. Are you actually doing it?" He asked, frowning at Zofia. His lips tightened in anger. It wasn't the first time she had seen that look today. She hated it. She felt alone and helpless. 

"Doing what? I can't answer you if you don't tell me what you think I'm doing." Zofia shot back at him. She was so annoyed that the guard was on her heels, that she was marrying a cold hearted and cruel man that would likely never keep her bed warm, or her heart for that matter. She sounded annoyed, more than she intended to.

"Marrying him, Zofia." Nik snapped back. Zofia bit her lip and looked down at the tips of her slippers as they peeked out from under her dress. She straightened her back, deciding that she needed to act a little more royal than underclass.

"You think I blindly agreed to this, whatever this is? He's the king, Nik. I do not have a say." She answered, hoping he understood. Her voice had taken on a softer tone. He nodded solemnly. He stood there for a second, his foot scuffing over the cobblestone. He gave a sigh and offered her his arm instead of moping any longer. His eyes went to the guard, then back to Zofia. It was an open challenge. Zofia wove her arm through his, without hesitation, and let him lead the way.

"I suppose he chose you." Nik started after a few silent minutes. They were passing the burnt trees. It only dawned on Zofia then that Nik used to be scared to death of the castle. It occurred to her that he had crossed the burnt border just for her. 

"Probably just to breed with." Zofia responded. "I don't know about this. It makes me feel uneasy. He didn't even give me an explanation as to why he chose me, he just grabbed me and... bought me from my father. It feels perverse, and he keeps sniffing me." Zofia paused, then turned her head to look at the guard. She eyed him before she looked ahead of her again. She frowned, wondering if every word would be relayed to the king. She decided that no man can remember a conversation verbatim. 

"Then don't do it?" Nik asked, stopping. He took both of Zofia's hands and looked into her eyes to try and change her mind. "Don't marry him if it doesn't sit right with you." Zofia nervously glanced at the guard, then back at Nik. 

"I'm nineteen in a few days, Nik. Who else will take a mishap like me in? This is much better than I could have asked for and no one else was planning on taking my hand." She sighed, trying to not upset herself over it. Nik opened his mouth to say something, but the guard interjected, shuffling closer nervously, his armor rubbing against itself. Zofia sniffled. 

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