Chapter Five: the Mirror of Erised

Start from the beginning

My heart quickened in my chest as I stepped closer and closer to it. Finally, I could see myself, but I wasn’t the only one there.

My mother and father stood behind me. My mother didn’t look crazed like all of the pictures in the Daily Prophet looked like. She had a kind smile and loving look in her eyes. My father also looked normal. He, like my mother, had rid himself of any evil glint and looked down at me with delight.

I found myself on my knees, hugging my chest.

It wasn’t real, and it wouldn’t ever be.

The tears made it out of my eyes and I felt myself shaking.

“Not real,” I choked out as I leaned forward and pressed my forehead to the cool glass.

“It most certainly is not.”

I didn’t need to look around to see who it was.

“What is it Fred?” I asked.

“The Mirror of Erised,” he said quietly. “It shows you, erm, heart’s deepest desires, I think.”

I felt him sit next to me.

“What do you see, Lu?” he asked.

“I see my mum and dad,” I muttered. “They’re not in Azkaban. They’re… happy.”

“Your parents are in Azkaban?”

I nodded, taking a shuddering breath.

“Do you promise not to tell anyone?” I asked. “Not even George?”

Fred nodded, his brown eyes warm and understanding.

“My mum and dad…” I started. “My parents are Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange.”

He was silent for a moment before he took my hand in his. It was a very large difference, his hands being large and long and callused and mind small and stubby and, well, squishy.

“Do you really think people will care who your parents are?” he asked softly.

“I don’t know.” I murmured. “I was scared. I didn’t want to be that little kid that lost her parents to Voldemort.”

Fred flinched.

“Sorry,” I said.

“Well, er, let’s get out of here.” Fred stood up and held his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me to my feet.

“What do you see, Fred?” I asked curiously, glancing up at his face, which had become distorted with blank emotion.

“Erm, nothing,” he said calmly. “Come on, I’ll take you back to your dormitory.”


That night I lay in bed, staring up at the canopy of my bed. I was still dressed in what I had been wearing earlier that day, which was my Ravenclaw jumper and regular jeans, the kind of things Muggles wore.

When Mandy and the other girls from my dorm walked in from dinner, I jumped, having not realized the time. I hadn’t bothered to go to dinner – or lunch, for that matter. I was just too busy thinking about the Mirror of Erised and my parents.

“Why didn’t you come to dinner?” Mandy asked as she changed into her pajamas.

I shrugged.

“Wasn’t hungry,” I lied. “Goodnight.” I shut the curtains and turned over, falling asleep almost immediately.

In my dream I was in a dark place, with stone floors, ceiling, and walls. It smelled horrible and it there was a gloomy, miserable feeling to it.

In the corner there was a man curled up on the floor. He had shaggy black hair, matted with mud and blood, and pale skin under a complete layer of grime.

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