N i n e

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"Hello?" Paige whispered quietly, her mouth close to the mic on her phone.

"Hi, babe." Luke said, his voice raspy and thick.

"You aren't slick, ya know."

"Just let me call you babe please, I think I deserve a little happiness right now right?" Luke replied sadly, his voice low.

"Hey, talking to me will make you feel a little better right?" Paige said, her smile carrying through the phone.

"Talking to you always makes me feel better, why do you think I texted you out of everyone I could've texted?"

"You have a nice voice," Paige said quietly. "It's deep, but soft."

"This is probably a bad time to ask this, but do you have a boyfriend?" I'm not trying to make a move, I just honestly want to know if my best friend has a boyfriend or not." Luke said, secretly knowing that he wanted to make a move.

"No, I don't, I'm actually waiting for Lucas Zumann and Harry Styles to come to my house and carry me bridal style to a pink horse drawn carriage." Paige said, no hint of sarcasm in her voice at all.

"If I was one of those fangirls I would say 'Me'" Luke said with a chuckle, causing Paige to laugh loudly.

"In a way it is you, considering you're my Gilbert and all." Paige said, feeling slightly warm inside as soon as she said it.



"What if I'm falling for you?"

The line went silent for a moment as Paige's mind comprehended what Luke had just said.

What if he was falling for her...what if she was falling for him?

Paige knew, deep down that maybe it could happen. There had to be some reason of why her heart fluttered every-time Luke had said her name. There had to be a reason of why she jumped at her phone every-time Luke's ringtone sounded.

"Then...then maybe the impossible could become possible, in a world in which we could be together, even if it was just as friends...but at the moment, it's impossible, and that's something we have to accept right now." Paige said softly, her heart aching a bit as she said it.

"Where do you live?" Luke asked, attempting to change the subject as a plan slowly forming in his mind.

"Michigan. Boring ol' Michigan."

"No way! I'm in Canada, so that's not too far!" Luke said excitedly.

"Oh my god, I just realized something!" Paige said nervously.


"You could be a 40 year old man! I mean yeah, you sound like a teenage boy, but technology can do that! I've never even seen you! Why am I even continuing to talk to you? Are you going to kill me? Please don't take my family, or my dog, I really love my dog!" Paige rambled on.

"Wow, now you really sound like Anne." Luke said, his smirk traveling through the phone.

"Why have I never seen you, Luke?"

"You will, I promise, you have to try to figure out who I am okay? It's actually very obvious, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet."

"Can't we just face time?"

"No Paige, that'll ruin the game. How about this, I'll give you exactly a week. So next Saturday, if you haven't figured out who I am I'll tell you. Honestly, I will. And if you don't believe me, we can face time. Deal?"

"Are you Finn Wolfhard?" Paige asked excitedly.

"Oh god, no, I'm not Finn, why does everyone always think I'm Finn!"

Paige couldn't help but laughing.



"It's 5 am here now."

"Yeah same here, I guess we have the same time....go to sleep, and I'll do the same. Okay?"



"God, are we Hazel and Augustus now too?"

"No, because I won't die on you." Luke replied, his voice soft.

"How generous of you!" Paige replied sarcastically.

"Good night my Anne/Carrots/Hazel Grace."

"Good night my Gilbert/Gilly Willy/Augustus Waters."

And though they hung up, neither of them slept that night. For Luke sat up all night wondering when Paige would figure it out, and Paige tossed and turned in bed all night, confused of how she felt about Luke.

FANPAGE//Lucas Jade Zumann Where stories live. Discover now