Chapter 4

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*Percy's Pov*

I did something really unexpected.

I kissed Nico damn freaking Di Angelo. 

oh my gods, his dark brown eyes, his raven black hair that flaps over his eyes just a little. He looked so cute and adorable. More perfect than Aphrodite, if that's even possible. 

I admired him, he stays away from drama,  he stays in Nico Land. 

I always noticed my heart jump a little when he came to vist, when I simply look at him, and somwtimes even talking to him made me happy. I always ignored it, but this time, I was listening to my heart

. Nico was the one I wanted to be with, not Annabeth or anyone else.

I don't care what people say about me or him.

They can kiss my ass.





You Don't Have To Pretend (Percico/Pernico)Where stories live. Discover now