Chapter 1

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*Percy's Pov*

"Hey.." I called to Annabeth as I was heading towards the pavillon to eat. "oh, hi Percy" Annabeth said replying without looking up.

No " Hey Seaweed Brain" ? Hey, I know we just came back from Tartarus and saving the world and all, don't be dull Annabeth!

"whats wrong my wise girl?" I asked her as I sat down. She took a deep breath. "idontliketheideaofusanymoreimsorry" she squeaked.

(A/N:translation: I don't like the idea of us anymore, I'm sorry")

looked at her ,stunned, I didn't know how I felt, I felt free and happy, then I wanted to curl in a ball, eat my problems out tand cry for the rest of my life, 

"Fine, goodbye....Annabeth" I muttered and ran to my cabin.

and for once, I didn't look back.



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