Chapter 8

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I frantically click the buttons on the controller as I compete with Jack in Call Of Duty. We play against Cas, who is sitting lazily behind us on the couch. Jack and I are both struggling to stay alive against her. She easily presses the designated buttons on the controller and shoots down Jack.

"Goddammit, Cas!" Jack exclaims as he tosses the controller forward. His screen changes to show he's been defeated.

Cas's lips quirk up into a smirk as she continues on to hunt for me. I sneer. "You better not be screen-peeking Cas!"

"Of course I'm not," She says smoothly.

We continue to play, and Jack sits where he is, pouting like the little child he is. Cas continues to play with the same amount of grace that a swan has and I still frantically press the buttons, hoping that clicking them randomly would help me to win. Unfortunately, Cas sneaks up on me from behind and gets a head-shot.

"Agh no!!" I throw my controller at the wall. "How do you play so good?!"

Cas sighs and sets her controller down. "I've had a lot of practice since you're always out swimming." She then smirks at me.

I growl and tackle her on the couch she's on. "Wanna go Cas?!" I smirk and sense my eyes flash purple, the heat pulsing through my head. "I could use the practice."

She gives me a wider smirk. "Don't forget that whenever you hurt me, you also feel the pain..."

"Whatever..." I mumble as I sit up off her and huff as I cross my arms.

Jack snickers. "You're like an old married couple."

I simply scoff. "We're sisters."

"That simply just argue a lot," Cas adds, smirking.

Suddenly, Austin comes running into the room. His face is pale with fear, but behind his eyes, there's something else. "Guys!" He shouts frantically, "Come quick! Please! It's Phe!"

My eyes widen and I fly down the hall. I hear Cas shouting after me, but I don't listen, not wanting to deal with her shit right now. I also hear Austin's quick footsteps behind me. I burst into the room that Austin and Phe share, to see Phe's pale form lying limp under the blankets. I also notice that her chest is neither rising or falling.

"Shit!" I run over to Phe. Since she is on the opposite side of the bed that I am facing, and thanks to my very awkward personality, I hop up onto the bed and scamper over to her. Kneeling next to her side, I frantically check Phe's pulse.

There is one there.
But it's faint.

I slowly turn my head to look at Austin and I force my eyes to turn purple. "What did you do?..." My tone is hard and dangerous.

His expression changes to one even more fearful than before. "I-...What made you think I did anything?..."

He's lying...
He did something...

"I said, what did you DO?!"

"I didn't do anything! I swear!"

At that moment, Jack and Cas burst into the room. I make my eyes go back to normal. Jack, sensing something is wrong, strides over to the other side of Phe and he checks her pulse, then her breathing pattern, and other things. I sit quietly, waiting. Jack is an elf, so he has a lot of knowledge about healing and medical stuff. He should be able to figure out what's wrong with her.

Or so I thought.

"I can't figure out what's wrong with her," He says with wide eyes. "She should be perfectly fine, yet...well she's dying!"

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