Chapter 16 : Entangled

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The next morning, the whole squad of BTS come to Jungkook's house, including Taehyung. The members want Taehyung and Jungkook to get along again just like before they were, just like before Chaeyoung came into their lives.

The cold war between them is influencing the team's performance on The Base as well. As a leader, Namjoon is afraid if the cold war is still happening between the maknaes, they won't stay as the top group performance anymore in The Base. And it means, they'll lose their money and start everything from the beginning once again.

That can't be happened because of just one girl.

Because of Park Chaeyoung.

Namjoon glances at Taehyung as he pulls him by hooking his arm around the younger's neck. "Hey, remember what I said. Don't get offended with whatever he will say later, okay? Keep calm and I'll talk to him too."

Taehyung rolls his eyes as Jimin breaks them and he runs to Jungkook's door, knocking it like a mad man as Hoseok shoves Jimin to the side before he inserts the code of Jungkook's apartment calmly. The click sound can be heard as Jimin widens his eyes in amazement at Hoseok, "Woah, hyung, how can you know that?"

"He told me." Hoseok just shrugs his shoulders and then he enters the apartment along with Jimin, Seokjin and Yoongi. Behind them, Namjoon is still sticking around Taehyung, in case something happened.

"Yah! Jungkook! We come!" Hoseok says outloud, sitting on the couch.

Seokjin walks out from the kitchen, "His kitchen is clean, it seems like he's not home."

"If he's not home, the kitchen should be dirty because of the dust." Yoongi glances at Seokjin.

"So smart. But that's not what I meant." Seokjin sits on the couch as well, giving a duh look.

Jimin walks out from the bedroom as well, combing his hair like usual as he says, "His room is empty as well." Namjoon lifts an eyebrow, looking at Taehyung.

"Maybe he went somewhere and banged someone."Jimin continues with a chuckle.

Taehyung just stays quiet, but slowly his eyes are widening as he remembers if last night Chaeyoung is going home with Jungkook. And now, Jungkook isn't home yet, don't say if Jungkook stayed over in Chaeyoung's apartment... And they...

"Fuck..." Taehyung curses at himself as he runs out from the apartment immediately.

"Taehyung!" Namjoon calls him.

But that maknae is sprinted his way to Chaeyoung's apartment, leaving all of his hyungs in shock. Yoongi stares at Namjoon, "What happened?"

"I don't know." Namjoon sighs out, he stands up and he says, "Don't forget to lock the door." he warns the members before he starts to run out from the room as well. And soon, the others are following the leader to catch up Taehyung.

Meanwhile, Taehyung is running like crazy to Chaeyoung's apartment that placed few blocks away from Jungkook's. He takes the last turn to the Chaeyoung's apartment block and he slows down his pace as he's running out of breath. Taehyung takes a wide step down to the block before slowly he spots a familiar black car is parking in front of Chaeyoung's apartment.

Taehyung is raging up as he stares up to the window of Chaeyoung's room. And what a playful fate it is, up there, Taehyung can see shirtless Jungkook is leaning on the window. Jungkook is looking down at him from up there, smirking in glory at Taehyung before he pulls the curtain to close the window and he walks away from there.


A small smile plasters on Chaeyoung's face as she cooks a breakfast for Jungkook and her. She bites her lower lip in anticipation as a pair of strong arms sneaks around her waist from behind and a soft voice is calling for her name.

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