Chapter 14

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Liam and Jay were standing in the backyard of Liams house grilling and having beer when the cell phone rang. Liam looked at the number but didn't recognize it. "Hello Liam?" It was a girls voice. "Who is this?" Liam asked trying to decide who would be calling him. "It's me Mindy you ass." Liam nearly choked on his beer. "Holy shit, I'm sorry, I had to switch phones so no ones number got saved." Mindy laughed. "It's okay I got your number from your grandma what happened to the old phone?" "Ryan and Adam happened." He said sitting down on the picnic table.

"We all went camping and while we were at the river I got a little drunk and passed out. They decided the best way to wake me up was by throwing me in the river but since they were drunk as well neither of them bothered to check my pockets." Jay started laughing as he turned the burgers over. "Who's that?" Mindy asked hearing Jay in the background. "Ahh that's just Jay we're grilling out."

"Well listen, I was thinking, Would you like to spend the night with me tonight?" Liam looked at his watch. "Umm, yah sure, what time did you want me to come over?" Jay stopped messing with the grill and turned around. He and Liam had made plans tonight. Surely Liam wasn't going to leave. "How's nine o' clock sound?" She asked. "Sounds good. I'll see you then."

After he hung up the phone he saw Jay staring at him intently. "What?" Liam asked. Jay shook his head. "I thought we had plans tonight." "Nah man it's cool she doesn't want me to come over until nine." "Ahh, well, good luck tonight." Jay said as he opened another beer. Liam stood up and grabbed a beer from the cooler. "Yah, she wants me to stay the night with her.

Jay coughed spitting out some of his beer. "I thought you guys weren't serious. "We aren't. This is the first I've heard from her since before Ryan and I went on that camping trip." Jay smiled. "Sounds like she's trying to get serious with you." "Maybe, we'll see." Liam said as he pointed to the grill. "You better get serious about not burning those burgers." Jay quickly turned around flipping the grill open. "Well, I hope you like them done." He said as he flipped one over and laughed.

Mindy answered the door with a smile. "Hey there, how are you?" Liam smiled back at her and shrugged. "I'm doing alright how about you?" Mindy stepped to the side. "I'm doing good, please, come in." Liam looked around at her apartment. It was nice. He could tell she put some thought into the decor because it matched almost perfectly and went well with the color of the living room.

"You have a nice place." Liam said as he sat down on the couch. "Awww, thanks, it's not much but it's home. Would you like something to drink?" She asked heading for the kitchen. "Uhh, yah that'd be great." Liam looked over at the pictures on the wall. They must have been her children because they all looked like her and were close in age.

Mindy returned with two glasses and a bottle of wine. "Here we go." She said as she sat down on the couch. "Where are your children?" He asked pointing to the pictures on the wall. Mindy opened the bottle and poured some wine in his glass. "Their spending the weekend at their grandmas house." Liam nodded his head once. "They look just like you." Mindy looked over and smiled at him. "They certainly took after me."

Mindy placed the wine on the coffee table and sat back. "So, what do you want to do?" She asked taking a sip from her glass. Liam shrugged. He hadn't really thought of anything and now he suddenly found his thoughts drifting back to the last night they were together. Surely he couldn't just say sex though. Liam tried to think of some place they could go but it was late and almost everything was closed.

"I don't know honestly. It's pretty late so nothings really open." He said hoping she would suggest maybe a movie instead. Mindy sat her glass on the table and leaned over placing one arm around him and her other hand on his knee. "I was thinking maybe you wanted to do something else." Liam felt his heart skip in his chest. Was she saying what he thought she was. It certainly seemed that way. Of course that's what she wanted. Why else would she have called him over tonight if it hadn't been.

Liam took her hand in his and turned to face her. "Listen Mindy, I like you, but I'm not exactly okay with just casual sex." Mindy laughed shaking her head. "Neither am I but I was hoping that if this weekend went well we would be officially dating." "Wait, what, but..." Liam couldn't find his words. This whole time he thought Mindy wouldn't be interested in a relationship because of the age difference and now she was telling him that's exactly what she wanted.

"I'm only nineteen and you're twenty five." Mindy stopped smiling and took her hand from his reaching for her wine glass. "I know that Liam, but, I like you and I thought you liked me as well." Liam stood up and walked over to the wall leaning against it. "Don't get me wrong Mindy I do like you" He said shoving his hands into his pockets. "I just thought that with you just leaving your husband and us being so far apart in age that you wouldn't be interested in me." Mindy smiled as she stood up and walked over to him. "Listen Liam. You're free to make your own decisions but from my end know that I'm ready for whatever you decide. I like you and I could see us being together but that's up to you." 

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