Chapter 8

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Liam pulled up to his grandmothers house and shut the car off. It had been a while since he'd seen her and since he was already driving by today he thought it would be a good idea to stop in and visit. "Well hi there baby boy!" His grandmother exclaimed as he walked in. "How are you?" She asked wrapping her arms around him. "I'm doing okay grandma just thought I would come see how you were." Liam said as he let go of her and leaned back against the wall shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Mindy! Come meet my grandson." his grandmother shouted. Liam looked over at the kitchen where the sound of dishes clanging came from. "Coming!" A voice called back. "Really grandma another new housekeeper?" Liam asked "You know if you keep running them off there wont be anyone left to care for you." He said with a smile. "Shush you, this one isn't going anywhere, I absolutely adore her." Liam shook his head. His grandmother had gone through so many house keepers he didn't even bother to learn their names anymore. Since he was only able to see her once a month or so he didn't see any of them more than once or twice anyways.

"Hello." Mindy was now standing in the doorway to the living room. "Nice to meet you, I'm Liam." He said extending his hand. "My name is Mindy and likewise" She said shaking his hand. "Your grandma has told me a lot about you. it's nice to finally put a face to the name." Liam looked to his grandmother. She knew he didn't like it when she talked about him because she always made him sound like he was still five years old. "Anyways, how are you doing grandma?" Liam asked trying to avoid anymore conversation about himself.

"Oh, I'm doing just fine hun. Just trying to find a cheap vcr in the paper. Mine went out last week." Liam thought to himself for a moment. He was sure he had a vcr at home that he didn't use anymore. "I'm pretty sure I have one grandma. I'll just run to my house and grab it." He said with a smile. "You're so sweet." Liam turned and waved as he headed out the door. "Be right back."

Liam walked into his bedroom and slid the closet door open. He tried to remember which box would have the vcr in it. As he began to pull boxes out and open them his phone rang. "Hello, Liam?" It was his friend Ryan from school. "Hey man how's it going?" Liam asked. "Pack your stuff man we're going to California." Liam laughed at his friend. "I can't man I just quit the cafe and I don't have enough money saved up for something like that." "Come on man! My parents are paying for everything, Adam and Justin are already going and we need you to make the trip complete." Liam thought about the idea of a vacation for a moment. "Alright screw it, I'm gonna start packing, pick me up in about an hour."

After he hung up Liam quickly grabbed his duffel bag and began filling it with things he might need. "Running off again?" his father asked from the doorway. Liam had made a habit of disappearing lately for long periods of time without letting anyone know where he was or what he was doing. "Yah me and the guys are going to leave town for awhile." he said as he zipped up the bag. His dad just shook his head. "Spending all your savings already?" Liam set his bag on the bed and began rummaging through his dresser. "No, Ryan's parents are paying for everything. Have you seen my sunglasses?" He asked shutting the drawer. "Yah they're on your head." His father said with a laugh. Liam smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand.

"I swear this is exactly why I need a vacation." He said reaching for the duffel bag. "Well I guess I'll see you when you get back." Liam walked past his dad and down the stairs. "Yep, we shouldn't be gone long." Ryan was now sitting out front in his car. "Let's go! We still have to go pick up the other two idiots!" He shouted out the window. Liam waved to his dad as he put his bag in the trunk of the car. "Later pops."

Ryan reached over and turned the radio down. "What's up with you?" He asked as they came to a stoplight. "Nothing." Liam said fiddling with his phone. "I just realized that I was suppose to be finding a vcr for my grandma and I forgot all about it." Adam who was in the seat behind Liam hit his friend on the back of the head playfully. "Good going space head. Wait till we're seven hundred miles away then remember." Liam laughed. "You're right, no sense in worrying about it now, I'll deal with it when we get back."

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