Chapter 1

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*ding ding ding* The sound of the school bell rang out and Liam along with the rest of the students poured out of their classes and into the hallway. Second period was coming up and since it was math class he wasn't shy about getting to this one on time. He walked into the class room and found his seat placing his backpack on the ground next to his desk as he sat down.

Mrs.. Laura, the math teacher, had decided to rearrange some things for a demonstration that morning and since the room would soon be filled with students she thought it best to ask for some help moving a table back into the spare room. "Liam, Jay, would the two of you mind coming up here and helping me move this table?" she asked kindly. Liam looked up from his desk slightly confused, who was Jay? He wondered. He had never heard that name before during their daily role call. He quickly deduced that Jay was a new student and with that he let the thought fade.

Liam took his place on the opposite side of the table from Jay, "you ready?" he asked. "I guess." came the response from the new kid across from him. With that they both lifted the table up and made their way toward the spare room. As they sat the table down they both looked up at each other. Suddenly they realized something weird, they were like twins. Same eyes, hair, body type, and if that wasn't freaky enough for them they had on the same outfit as well. Liam blinked for a moment trying to decide if he was dreaming or looking in a mirror.

Perhaps he stared for too long though because when Jay spoke it startled him. "What's up?" Jay asked in an almost sarcastic tone. "N..nothing" Liam sputtered out. Realizing he must look like an idiot staring at the new kid he quickly added "We just have on the same outfit and look the same." Jay laughed as if mocking him for stating the obvious "You're right man, now I get why everyone's been asking me if my brother goes to school here when I don't have one." Liam now felt slightly less anxious and shook his head. "I don't have a brother either just three little sisters."

Jay smiled relatibly, "Same here but only one little sister." he said with a nod. "The name's Jay, my mother, sister and I just moved here and its really small compared to home, what do you guys do for fun around here?" Liam shrugged "I wouldn't know." he said looking down at the floor in shame. "Come on man, don't hold back on me, I know I'm new here but I can be one of the cool kids too." Before he could think Liam let out a sarcastic "HA." in response which must have upset Jay because he sighed and shook his head, "Thanks for nothing." He said as he turned to walk away.

"Wait!" Liam said, realizing that he must have sounded like a complete jerk. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude, It's just that I'm not one of the cool kids so when you insinuated I was it caught me off guard." Jays look turned from happy to confused as he stared at Liam for a moment. "What do you mean you're not cool?" He asked. Liam sighed realizing he would have to be honest here. "I don't have any friends." he said quietly before hanging his head.

Jay raised a brow in skepticism "I find that hard to believe man, you seem pretty cool to me." Liam looked up from his feet a little shocked and smiled "Y..You think so? I mean... No one's ever really paid attention to me so I just always figured I was weird." Jay laughed and shook his head. "Nah man, you seem cool to me but you are wrong, you have a friend now." He said as he extended his hand. Liam shook Jays hand and nodded. "Took me long enough, now maybe in another sixteen years I'll get a second one." With that they both laughed and turned around heading back to their seats. 

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