Chapter 3.

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Kakashi returned the next morning. He surprised Yumiko in her bed. Her eyes had fluttered open, meeting Kakashi's eyes. She jumped out of bed, her cheeks flushed red. "Kakashi! You shouldn't be here, Kizune is asleep in the next room!" She scolded. Kakashi smirked. He didn't have his mask on. 'He's here for sex then..' She thought. "I wanted to see you." He cooed. It was then that she noticed he was naked. She rolled her eyes. 'Better make it quick then.. I know what he likes..' Yumiko immediately stripped down after locking her door.

She pressed her lips to Kakashi's, allowing her hands to slide under the blanket and stroke him. "Mmm.." He groaned into the kiss, grasping her breasts. Yumiko moved herself under the sheets and climbed on top. 'This won't take long. He doesn't last long after a mission..' She thought as she felt his hands move to her bare butt. He squeezed it and slapped it before grabbing her hips. Yumiko started grinding her hips, watching as Kakashi shuddered in pleasure. He kept his moans quiet but as he finally came close - he let out a loud grunt before she felt him.

Her eyes widened. 'Shit.. he forgot the condom'. She cursed in her head as she jumped off. It was too late by then. "Baka. You forgot the protection," She scolded. Kakashi smiled sheepishly - he looked tired. "I'm sorry.." He said. Yumiko shook her head, throwing his clothes at him. "You need to go now. Make sure you're gone before Kizune wakes up," She said bluntly before grabbing a fresh change of clothes and heading to the bathroom. She cleaned herself up and had a quick shower. "I need to start breakfast.." She mumbled as she put her shoes on. She tied her hair up and made her way into the kitchen.

Her eyes widened as Kizune sat at the table and.. Kakashi. Kakashi was cooking. In her house. While her son was awake. Yumiko was angry. He knew the rules. He couldn't be seen in her house, especially by Kizune. "Mama! Good morning! Kakashi-sensei came to make breakfast!" Kizune beamed. Yumiko forced a smile on her face. Kakashi was fully dressed with his mask on but she could see the smirk outlined on his mask. "I'm going to kill you," She whispered into Kakashi's ear before sitting next to Kizune.

"He's making pancakes mama! I love pancakes," Kizune looked happy in that moment. She hoped Kizune didn't see him as a father figure. She was sure if Kakuzu came back into their lives, without the intention of killing them, he would want to take his place as the father in Kizune's life. 'Damn Kakashi'. Yumiko forced a smile as Kakashi presented a plate full of pancakes. She used a fork to move the pancakes onto Kizune's plate, watching at he covered it with cinnamon and sugar. She had no idea where he had gotten that from.

At least until Kakashi sat down and did the same thing. "Oh god no..." She muttered under her breath. She shook her head and made herself eat. She couldn't believe this. If she was seen leaving the house with Kakashi and Kizune.. the rumors. They would get worse. If Kakuzu was after them.. he would kill Kakashi too. Well, she didn't care THAT much about Kakashi. Only Kizune. She sighed as she finished eating, washing the plates as Kakashi and Kizune talked. She still couldn't believe it. She had told him to leave - why did he stay? If he starts to develop feelings, he's gone.

As she finished washing all the dishes, there was a knock at the door. Yumiko tried to get it but Kakashi beat her to it. God, that made her mad. She was surprised when Sakura walked in, "Yumiko.. Tsunade would like to see you," She said, bowing her head. Yumiko looked at Kakashi then Kizune before sighing, "Kakashi look after him. I won't be long," She said leaving. Kizune watched with wide eyes as she left. Yumiko jumped from building to building, rushing to the office. She wanted this to be over. She already knew what it was about.

As she entered the office for the 2nd day in a row she forced a smile onto her face. "Good morning Lady Tsunade. You called?" She forced herself to use a sweet voice even though she didn't want to be there. She was sure Tsunade could sense it. "Good morning," Tsunade started, "I've had ninjas scouting the surrounding area. There are 2 Akatsuki members hanging around. We have identified them as Kakuzu and Hidan, the immortals of the Akatsuki," She said. Yumiko felt a stabbing at her chest in that moment. "I see.." She whispered. Tsunade knew it was a touchy subject.

"Do you know why they are here?" She questioned and Tsunade looked at her desk at some paper work, "Well, we were able to identify that a man from the bingo book is in a near-by village so that would be our first guess. But they have noticed them staying close to our village and the village you took Kizune too. My guess is that they've heard the rumors. They could be here for you and Kizune," Tsunade said. Yumiko couldn't help the dry laugh that escaped her lips. Of course, and it's all the damn Leaf Villages fault.

"Look what you've done," Yumiko said coldly, "Because you had to put that my son was a prodigy and tell all the damn villages and make it all public, me and Kizune could be dead any day now," Yumiko's voice spat so much venom. Tsunade nodded her head, "I know. We are going to put you and Kizune under watch. Kakashi will be staying with you until the Akatsuki leave the area. That is the only way to ensure that you are closely guarded. We will also have ANBU stationed outside your house at all times. That's all I wanted to say. You may go now," Tsunade dismissed her.

Yumiko wasn't happy though. She wanted to scream. Kakashi staying with her? ANBU surrounding her house? Could they make it anymore obvious? She was literally screwed. She would become a walking target with all these people surrounding her, to "protect" her and Kizune.

"Damn idiots.."

Stitch Me Up. [Kakuzu Love Story].Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora