Chapter 2.

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As soon as Yumiko, Naruto and Kizune returned to the village - she asked Naruto to watch over Kizune and take him to the ramen shop. She gave him some money before rushing to see Lady Tsunade. If the Akatsuki were this close she had to let them know. Although part of her wanted to go after the 2 watching her but she didn't. She needed to stay with Kizune at the village, where he would be safe. She entered the office and bowed before pulling the cloak out and setting it onto the desk. She saw Tsunade's confused expression change to shock.

"Where did you get this cloak?" Tsunade asked and Yumiko smiled bitterly. "I was strolling in the forest with Naruto and Kizune when we found this. The Akatsuki are close," She said. Tsunade looked worried as she gazed out the window. "Yes. They are too close. What are they after?" She questioned before turning her gaze back to Yumiko. "Yumiko, you've earned your place here. You and your son are welcome here but I have to ask.. Who is the father? He has the same eyes as the S-Rank criminal Kakuzu," She asked. Yumiko's blood ran cold.

"I... was once lovers with him. Before he joined the Akatsuki of course. We met during a bounty. I was pregnant when I was attacked and your village took me in. Kakuzu had tried to kill me," Yumiko finally told someone. Tsunade looked surprised. "Did he know you were pregnant?" Yumiko shook her head no. "Maybe.. he heard rumors of you and a child. Perhaps he just came to check? Or came to see if you were really alive? You have become quite popular among the villages. And so has Kizune. He is becoming known as the Shiori Clan's prodigy child," Tsunade said.

Yumiko forced a smile - this was news she dreaded. "Yes, I am aware. I wasn't aware he was known as a prodigy.. yet," She said. Tsunade nodded, "We didn't want to tell you. When you go on missions he has been studying. He's only 2 yet he is as skilled as a Genin. I've seen his art too - it's at the level of Sai's. I know Sai has been training him in the arts," Yumiko felt anger in her heart. They went behind her back and trained him? They studied him? He was her child, not their experiment!

"With all due respect Lady Tsunade, Kizune is my son. I don't appreciate the village experimenting with my child. I know he is smart. I know he is of a Genin level. He can read, he can draw. He speaks perfectly. And I'm positive he fights well too. But I didn't want this to become spread through-out villages. That makes him a target," Yumiko tried to keep the venom from entering her voice. But she failed. Tsunade looked guilty at least. "I apologize. It was Sai's suggestion he start learning.." She admitted. Sai? She was going to kill him.

"Don't be mad with him. I'm sure he was doing it to protect him. Naruto surely told him of your partner that tried to kill you. He was likely worried that he would come back to kill you both and wanted to make sure Kizune was ready for when that time comes-" Yumiko couldn't help but interrupt, "My son is only 2 years old!" She barked, surprising Lady Tsunade. "He is still a damn child! He is still my baby!" Yumiko shouted. She was so angry. The Akatsuki were probably here because of their stupidity.

"I tried to keep my son hidden! I let him practice everything away from prying eyes. Why did you have to barge in? The Akatsuki are probably here now because of you!" She barked before turning around. "I can't believe you would do this to a child." Yumiko slammed the door as she left. She couldn't believe this. She rushed straight to the ramen shop. Naruto smiled before stopping himself. "Ah.. something happen?" He said, voice small. "Yeah. The village went behind my goddamn back!" She barked before rubbing her temples and taking a deep breath. "We can talk about this later Naruto. Kizune are you finished?" She asked.

Kizune looked between them for a second before nodding. "Yes mama," He said, standing up and walking over to her. Yumiko picked him up and held him close. 'He's still so small..' She thought. Naruto smiled and waved bye as Yumiko took Kizune home. Perhaps it was time to find a new village? Well. That didn't matter now. All villages probably knew of Kizune as the Shiori clan prodigy now. 'Goddamn it, why couldn't the village leave him alone?' She thought. Once she reached her place, she took Kizune inside and told him to shower.

She sat at the table and stared out the window. Those figures.. could they have been Kakuzu? Could he have come for her and Kizune? What if he planned on killing them? She couldn't help as she slammed her fist into the table. "Mama, are you okay?" She jumped, she hadn't heard the water stop. "Oh.. Kizune. Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry," She stood up and walked over to her son and pulled him close. "I love you Kizune," She whispered. "I love you too mama," He said, wrapping his small arms around her. She let him go after a few seconds.

"Are you tired after today?" She asked - she knew it was still quite early, maybe 7pm but it was dark at least. "Yes, we did lots of walking," He yawned. She smiled and picked him up, taking him to his room and tucking him in. She kissed him on the temple and stroked his head. It helped him sleep. "Mama, are the bad people coming for me?" He asked and her heart stopped. "No Kizu. They wont. You have me protecting you," She whispered and watched as he smiled before shutting his eyes. "I love you mama.. sweet dreams," She smiled and continued stroking his head till he was asleep.

She stood up, turning his night light on and the main light off. She left the door open a fraction as she went to shower. She stepped under the water after undressing and couldn't stop herself from thinking about Kakuzu. She thought about Kizune too..

"Kakuzu.. are you really after him..?"

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