chapter 2

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Well I'm tired and I have school in the morning but I can't sleep so I'm updating again yay.


Well I bet your all confused right. My past life. Well in wasn't good. I witnessed my whole family get killed. By that blur Barry had agreed to seeing the night his mother was killed. He had it easy I would think. My mom was killed in the kitchen. My dad was killed in the living room. And my baby sister was killed in her crib. That right crib. She was not even a year old. I loved her to death and I had a perfect life planned with her. She would want me over our parents. She never cried when I was around her. Always did when mom and dad were. She was going to be the best bratty little sister but I will always love her. My older brother was six. He was also killed on my bed. I was going to be the brattest little sister to him and now I can't because he was murdered. Mom was the best mom I ever have. Yes I had 12 different mothers and they all sucked. None of them paid any attention to me. They only wanted me in the happy family because they get money for it. I was adopted by the time I was sixteen. The dad was in the army. The mom was ok but nothing compared to my real mom. She was nicer then the rest. Now I like the brother in my adopted family we stuck together like glue. He was 19. We went to highschool together. He would stand up to the bullies that had bullied me. I would always try to give me courage to ask Barry out but I never could. I was so shy back then. The worst has happened to me a few years after because that when he enlisted in the army. When he came back he was paralyzed from the waist down. He was stuck in a wheel chair. I would try to talk to him but mom said to give him space. Things did get better. I graduated from high school and he showed up. We talked for the first time then we laughed and we actually did alittle singing. After that I knew the real reason why he was home. Not from paralyzation but from brain cancer. He told me after the graduation party at home. I would cry every time I see him. He would always comfort me. But it wouldn't work. He gave up eventually. A few months after that he was in the hospital fight his hardest. It was when my mom came home crying that I knew he was gone forever. She looked at me and she came running towards me and hugged me. Repeating that he was gone. I had entered a collage application for science and I got in. I never ended up going. That's night my adopted mother was killed I called the collage saying that I'm not interested. I hid in my closet and the police on the phone. I was crying a quietly as possible. Yep that's my life right there and it suck so badly. I don't ever want to talk about what one of my foster father's did to me. Never. "YN. You there. Helllloooo"

"Hmm. Oh sorry Barry. I was just think that my life sucks."

"Don't say that. I bet your life is way better then mine."


"Deal." He said and I explained my whole life story to him,except for the part that I liked him, and hands me the 20. "Wow umm I don't know what to say about that."

"Star labs. I'm need for testing." I said.

"Is the famous yn leaving work early." He said faking the shock. I laughed.

"Just shut up and come with me if you want. Maybe we could go to jitters for some coffee. I'm bring everyone coffee." I said. He smiled and nodded. We walked out and he stopped me.

"I should really finish the paper work."

"Your still not done. I finished mine a while ago."

"It will only be a second." He said and he used his speed to finish them off. He walked over and I smiled.


"Yes."he said and we started our way out and Joe stopped us.

"Coffee. We did finish our papers for today." I said and he nodded and we leave. We got to jitters and we ordered coffee for everyone. We head to the cortex of star labs and gave everyone there coffees. I watched Harrison for a bits and I don't get a good vide off him. I notice something glowing under his chair after a closer inspection.

"May I ask why your staring at me."

"Come with me." I said and he followed in his chair. "Are you paralyzed from the waist down or is it the knees down."

"Waist down why."

"Then tell me how you food it moving every now and then. And the glowing under your chair." I said advancing towards me. He glared at me and rode away. I followed back. I hate that man.

"Everything ok now." Barry asked.

"Fine."Harrison said and I gave a fake smile.

"Barry can we train."

"Sure just right here. Are you going to freak out like that again."

"Just don't circle around me."

"Ok. Get ready." He said and I had fire in one hand and water in the other. He spead towards me and everything slowed down. I dodged him and I hit him with the water.

"Ohhhh 1 me 0 Barry. Do you need more water because you really stink right now." I said and he laughed.

"Oh burn. Yn I see what you did there." Cisco said on the com.

"One question Barry. When you use your speed. Does everything slowdown for you"

"I did seem like that but it turns out I was speeding myself up. Why."

"When you charged at me everything slowed down to me." I said and he looked at Caitlin. She ran over to me and put the sticker on my temples. She put a pad on my chest to monitor my heart. She ran back and she cheered.

"I think I know what your powers might be. Elements l. You control the elements around you and I think you can do some speed like Barry but different. You can't run like Barry but you can slow things down around you." She said and I smile.

So like avatar the last airbender." I said and Cisco smiled.

"I was going to say the same." He said and Caitlin shook her head.

"You can do more. The four elements. Air, water, earth, and fire, but you might have more then those four. There are now more then four elements in the world."

"Like light and shadow."

"And metal and sand."

"Even lighting. Flash you better watch out." I said and he laughed again. Ires came in then. I frown when Barry hugged her.

"Hey what's up." She said and I shrugged.

"I just remembered I have to be somewhere. Umm" I took off the pad and sticker like thing. "Umm bye." I said and I walked out. I walked home and I sat on the couch only to fall asleep.

Imma go sleep now. SOOOO. Love ya byeeeeeeeeee

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