CHAPTER 5: Party Time, Sis!!

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When I got home, I ran straight up to my room.

The last thing I wanted was to see or hear my family.

I wanted to just be alone. Though as luck would have it, that wasn't possible as my sister barged into my room, without knocking.

"Get out!" I tell her.

"Fuck you. I came in here cause I need a favor." She says with a puppy dog face that she assumes I fall for, but never do.

"What the hell makes you think I'd ever do a favor for you?" I asked her.

"Really? You wanna go there?" She asks.

"Fine. What?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"There's this bonfire tonight at the bay. I really wanna go but don't have money for an Uber and all my friends' cars are already full. So I since you have your license and don't drink, I was thinking...." she began before I cut her off.

"Let me guess. You want me to be your designated driver?" I asked.

"Exactly." She says with a smile.

"I planned on staying in tonight." I told her.

"Doing what? Getting fatter than you already are?" She says.

"Really? Do YOU want to really go there?" I asked.

"Ugh. Fine." She says rolling her eyes at me. "I'll pay you $50, if you will come with me." She finally agrees.

"Fine. Deal. Let's go." I tell her, grabbing my keys from off the bed.


After we arrived, it seemed like a shit load of people were here. A few hundred maybe. All in which were already drunk.

My sister took off without me to catch up with her friends. As well as also trying to avoid being seen with me.

I don't know what made me, but I grabbed a soda from one of the coolers and then took a seat down onto the sand, near the fire.

I then see a girl sit down beside me.

"Hey!" She says to me with a smile.

"Hi." I chuckle.

"Why are you sitting by yourself?" She asks.

"Because I want to." I smile.

"Well, I'm Cynthia." She says holding out her hand.

"Kristy." I tell her while shaking her hand.

"I know who you are. Will told me about you. And also how Cam has been acting towards you. Which, he can be a dick, most of the time. Though I promise, he wasn't always like that and really is a decent guy." She says.

"I'm sure." I tell her sarcastically as I really don't care.

"You're really beautiful." She says.

"And you're really drunk." I chuckle.

"No I'm not. And hey, I love to see another curvy girl like me. Us Curvalicious women need to stick together. In fact, let me see your phone real quick." She suggests.

"Why?" I ask her.

"Because dork, I'm gonna give you my number so we can hang out sometime." She says.

"Why would you wanna do that?" I asked. Stupid me.

"Cause you're really cool. Underneath that shyness, I know is an outgoing, outspoken, funny and strong woman." She smiles.

"Thanks." I tell her.

Then I don't know why, but I then give her my phone and she puts mine into hers add her number into mine.

"There. Now we're friends!" She smiles at me.

"Thanks." I tell her with a smile.

We then look up as we hear a familiar voice, "So this is where all the hot girls are at." Will says with a grin and a wink. "I'm a lucky guy right now." He smiles.

Cynthia playfully rolls her eyes at me and then stands up and both her and Will start kissing each other.

"Hey, about earlier with my friend. Don't take it to heart. Plus, if you want, I can double what I'm giving you, to having to put up with him." He says.

We all start laughing. "Okay." I tell him.

"Great. See ya tomorrow then." He says to me.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Have a goodnight." He says.

"Yeah, it was nice to meet you." Cynthia says to me.

"You too. Have a goodnight." I smiled as they waved goodbye and walked away.

Then as it got later and since I needed to wake up early, I decided to call it a night. Though as soon as I started to look for Amy, someone told me that she had already left with some guy.

Which was nice for her to tell me. Whatever. It is what it is.

So I start walking over towards the car and when I get there, I see that the car has been stolen, as I see the glass from the car window scattered all over the ground.

This can't be happening, I thought to myself. Really? Can this night get any worse?

Of course it can. I start telling myself as it begins to rain.

I knew I couldn't call home, or my sister. And the only friend I had was Cynthia, though I just met her tonight, so it would be rude to call her and ask. Plus, she might already be passed out.

Besides, even if I had someone to call, even Uber or a taxi, I couldn't. My fucking cheap ass phone wasn't giving me any service. So the only thing I could do was to start walking. Which luckily I paid attention to where we were going.

As I'm walking, I have my hoodie over me, though the rain has been coming down so hard that my sweatshirt is soaked.

After walking for about a mile or two, I look down at my phone to see if I have any reception yet. But still nothing. So I continue walking.

Then, while walking on the side of the road for almost two hours, cars passing me, I suddenly hear a car's tires come to an abrupt screeching halt.

Thinking it's a stranger, I start picking up my pace a little more, though my legs are killing me and then I see out the corner of my eye, the car back up next to me and the guy rolls down his window.....It's Cam.

"Get in!" He demands.

"No. I'm fine thanks." I tell him while continuing to walk.

"I said, get in." He tells me.

In which I don't know if cause it was freezing as hell or what, but I agreed to just get into the car and accepted his offer into taking me home.

Oh my god, what have I gotten myself into? I ask myself.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

HIS Curvy Luna!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ