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3 months later

Tasha's POV

"Have you got all your stuff?" my mum yelled from across the room.

"Yes. Everything's checked." I answered back. Now I know you'll are wondering what the fuck is going on. Well let me break it down for you.


I woke up feeling my head pound like crazy. I slowly opened my eyes, still adjusting to the bright light.

"Wha? W-Where am I?" I started to panic. What's going on?

"Don't worry honey... every things fine..." I heard a familiar voice sooth me. 


"Mom? When did you get here? I-I thought were on your trip? And who are those guys?" I pointed to the four boys standing in front of me. They stared at me and ran up to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Tasha we're so glad you're ok." the boy with an Irish accent said.

"Yea, totally! We missed you.'' another one said with a thick Boston. Who the fuck were these guys?!

"Tasha, watch your language!" my mom scolded. Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes, you did." the one with curly hair stated. I blushed a little and looked back up. I knew I had a confused look on my face as they introduced themselves. Apparently they were in a band called The Wanted. Hey, that sounded familiar.... but isn't there....

"Where's the shorter one? Umm...Nick?" I said confused.

"Nathan...." the one with a Manchester accent said. Oh... so that was his name... I was about to say something when 4 girls burst into the room. How many people do they allow in one room?

"Tasha OMG are you ok? Are you hurt? How's your head? Where's Nathan?" the girl with blonde, wavy hair asked. 

"Ummm... who are you girls again? I'm really sorry but... I don't remember you.." I apologized. Frowns formed on their face as they nodded slowly. They explained that I was in a band called The Licorice. They were my band mates.

"Cool." I smiled at them. Silence filled the air and it started to get really uncomfortable for me. Thank god the doctor came in.

"Wow Miss Perry, you seem to be quite popular." he commented. I smiled a little as he asked the rest to wait in the waiting room as he looked through his papers.

"Well Miss, you seem to be doing just fine now. You will be able to leave tomorrow. " he stated as he left me in he room with my parents.

"Well Tasha, your mum and I have been thinking and we have to move. We will be moving a week after you are released." my dad told me. I wasn't really affecyed by what he said as I didn't have a lot of friends... yea... maybe I do need a new start. I nodded as my parents pulled me in for another hug.

End of flashback

So now I'm here, packing my stuff, getting ready for a whole new life. A lot happened in these past few weeks. I managed to have girly time with the girls as we went shopping and Stark told me that the girls would be moving as well so its easier for us to record our songs. We were ecstatic! I also managed a couple days with the boys but no sign of the Nathan boy they keep telling me about. Guess I'll never find out. I curled the tips of my hair as I heard the car being started.

"Hurry up Tasha! We're going to be late! " my dad yelled from downstairs. I grabbed my luggage and my carry on as I rushed down to greet my parents

''Are you ready Tasha?" my mum asked. I nodded my head as I got into my car. Yes, I got a new car. A midnight purple Audi. Love it! My parents got into their car as we drove to the airport. Time for a new life...

In Australia


Hey guys!!!!! I know... sucky epilogue. But I promise you an awesome sequel. I wrote the summary so you guys don't have to wait for it. Its called Torn In Two. probs be posting it next month. Hoped you enjoyed ready Me? I had so much fun writing this book and hope u guys enjoyed it as much as I did:) now enjoy the summary for Torn In Two


Tasha Perry. Ordinary teen with a troubled past. After a traumatic incident, her parents moved her to Australia for a new life. Changes her name and appearance. But what if HE finds her again.... but with Aussie heart throb, Michael Clifford from 5SOS?What's going to happen? Will old love find its way back? Or will Tasha start all over again.... start all over as Nyx Summers.

Me? (A Nathan Sykes fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora