Chapter 12: true or false

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Nathan's POV

"WHAT!!!" Tasha shrieked. I turned to see her dash down the stairs at a speed I didn't know was possible.

"What do you mean by you're Stella?!" She yelled.

"You know that girl that Nath went out with? Yea, IM HER!" she shouted.

"What? wait wait wait. She isnt Stella, Tash. She took my phone a few days back and I have no idea what she did with it but I think she saw my SMSes. I promise you Tasha, I would never date your sister. Plus, she was supposed to be dating Max and I would never do that to my mate." I told her.

"Hm, like she's going to believe you. Hmm, who do you believe? your loving sister? or your cheating boyfriend?"

That's when she snapped.

Tasha's POV

"First of fucking all, he did not cheat on me. Second, you're not loving!! you never were. You always tried to take the guy I ever dated. You always kiss them before I even get the chance. And yes, I believe. Something you didn't know is that Nath showed me a photo of Stella. And you look nothing like her. Max, please send her out of the house before I lose it." I snapped. Max nodded a pushed her out of the door. I went back up and went to mine and Nath's room. I closed the door behind me and a lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Thinking.

"Um Tash, could we talk about you know, what happened just now." Nath asked.

"Yea sure whatever." I plainly told him. I sat up and asked.

"Did you really mean what you said? you're not lying about the fact that she's Stella?? I don't really care anymore. She always gets the guy an lets just say that I got used to it." I told him.

"Yes I meant it. She was never Stella. Remember, Stella didnt make it when we crashed." He told me with sad eyes.

"You don't think that I'll cheat on you with your sister? you're the most beautiful girl ever and you're mine and it well always stay like that." He smiled at and I blushed deeply. He always knew how to make me blush. I stroked his hair and pulled him in for a kiss. His lips were soft against mine and I couldn't help but feel like I'm flying. He licked my bottom lip signaling that his tongue was adventurous today and I gladly agreed and our tongues got into a playful fight. Our lips moved in sync and it always feels like out first one. It was wonderful.

"EW!! Mate, please get a room." We pulled apart and I blushed as I saw Tom standing at the door.

"You know mate, this is my room so technically, you're invading our privacy." Nath pointed out.

"I don't care. Next time do it when I'm not there. Got it?" he questioned. Me and Nath nodded our heads.

"Anyways I came here to tell you that Max is sulking like a little child and he won't get up. Think it has something to do with your crazed out sister." Tom told me. I frowned and went downstairs to see Max sitting by the tv with a beer can in his hand. I sighed and sat beside him.

"Did she use me? To get Nathan?" Max asked, expressionless.

"Sadly yes. I'm real sorry for her but she's a fucking twat. I'm really sorry for her shitty attitude but none of her relationships have ever lasted longer than 2 months. Your relationship with her was the longest relationship she had." I told him.

"Yea. Thanks for trying to cheer me up but Alexis made me feel love and wanted. But now she's gone." He said. I felt my heart break a little to see him in a fragile state it was like he was broken. I patted him back.

"C'mon Max. Please be your normal self again. You look like a small child who lost his favorite toy." Where's the spark I always see in you?'' I asked.

"It was taken away by a lovely devil." I sighed and left him to think. I went back into the room to hear Nathan playing a song on the piano. I walked into the room and he stopped.

"No. Keep playing. You play beautifully." I told him. I sat beside him and he continued and I was tranced by his talent that I didn't even know I was singing.

~ I hear your heart cry for love

And you act like there's no room

Room for me or anyone

Don't disturb is all I see

Close the door

Turn the key

On everything that we could be

If loneliness would move out

I'd fill the vacancy

In your heart

In your heart

In your heart


In your heart

In your heart

In your heart

Oh oh oh~

The music stopped and I opened my eyes to see Nathan's mouth half open with his eyes huge.

"Tash, I've never heard you sing like that. Babe, you are gifted." I blushed.

"I-I don't really like to sing in front of people. I have a horrid voice." I told him.

"No. Don't say that. You have an angelic voice." He told me. I smiled and cuddled closer to him. A wonderful end to a stressful day.

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