No Place Like Home

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"The first thing I'm going to do is stop those bastards!"

Rita Calhoun looked at her three visitors from behind her massive desk. Tom, Percy, and Charlie had their eyes locked on the lawyer; they nodded at the same time, making Rita snort. "They have your assets frozen and all profits from Letters sales forfeited, but that stops now! They can't go on confiscating your money now that you've been exonerated."

"The publishing house has pulled all Percy's books off bookstores," Charlie piped in. "I'm not talking just Letters, but the trilogy also! Is there anything you can do?"

Rita snorted again and cracked her trademark wolfish grin. "Already on it, kiddo. I've petitioned for a thorough audit on the publishing house ledgers." She turned to Percy and folded her hands on her desk. "I've reviewed your contract with Escriba. My source inside told me orders for your books are coming in droves, but they cannot honor them because they've rescinded your contract!"

"I know a thing or two about contracts," Tom laughed and lifted Percy's hand to kiss her knuckles just before she snatched her hand out of his grasp. "Ehehehe! They shot themselves in the foot!"

"They sure did!" Rita stood up and headed to the shelf that served as a bar in one of her bookcases, opening a bottle of Woodrow Reserve. "Our commercial attorneys here are already in contact with Escriba's guys to negotiate a new contract for you, Percy. They'll eat the suckers alive," said Rita, pointing at Tom with a tumbler, one of her eyebrows lifted in a mute offer of a drink.

"No, thank you very little!" he fidgeted in his chair before grabbing for Percy's hand again, which she dodged.


"God forbid and perish the thought." Charlie shook his head fast in mock horror.

"Is that bourbon?" asked Percy. "I would have some, please! I love it."

Rita just looked at Tom with a silent question dancing in her face.

"Darling, no!" Tom answered and the look on Percy's face is unmistakable: she is taken aback by his forceful denial. "Believe me, I speak from personal experience, you're not strong enough for that toxic waste."

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I'm pretty sure it melted down half of my liver," answered Tom, saluting Rita. "Cheers!"

The lawyer simply shrugged, pouring herself a hefty dose. "Your back assets will take a little more work. It's a lot of red tape, but in three to six months, I'll have it all sorted."

"I still don't understand why Tom is here. He has nothing to do with my financials or anything else for that matter."

Rita lifted a perfectly shaped brow as Tom mutters to himself. "He's here because he requested to be, and because he footed the bill for your legal fees." 

Percy stifles a yawn behind her hand and looks at Charlie. It took her a week to be able to stand up unaided and she was still recovering. After Charlie nods at her, she looks back at Rita. "I need to know if I have any available cash at the moment. I wish to go home."

Rita starts to speak but is interrupted by Tom. "Darling, is that wise? I had really hoped you would come to London with me once you were recovered."

Percy finally looks at Tom, for the time since they had all entered Rita's office. "How can you say that? What would give you the slightest idea that I would go anywhere with you? Even if I had a passport available?"

Tom looks at Rita and nods. "Rita, if you would... "

The lawyer opened the top drawer on her desk and pulled a manila folder out. She stood up and walked around the desk to sit at the corner in front of the small group of people now sitting in tense silence. Slowly, Rita tapped the folder and placed it on top of her desk. "When I took your case, I gathered all your documents, dear. Here they are, your driver license, your Social Security, your taxpayer ID, and... a valid US passport."

Deep Water (A Brief Sequel To Letters From Will)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara