A Million Reasons

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That word swam through Percy's mind as she got out of the elevator to find Charlie and Rita. She didn't know what to think about everything that's happened, or who to trust. She saw the two she was looking for coming out of an office at the end of the hall and hurried towards them.

Rita lifted an eyebrow as Percy reached them. "Has Tom left already?" At Percy's nod, she continued. "That's all right. Great, actually." She grabbed Percy's arm and started back towards the bank of elevators. "Let's go make our statements to the media, and then we're finished. You look like you're about done in for the day."

Percy nodded as it dawned on her what Rita had said. "What? I don't want to talk to the press! Can't I just slip out a side door or something?"

Rita rolled her eyes as she pushed Percy out of the elevator. "No, you can't. They have those covered as well. You're going out the front door, just like every other innocent person leaving this building."

Percy heard Charlie snicker as they pushed her through the front doors, one on either side of her, holding her up. The din was deafening from the reporters as they all jockeyed to be the first with questions. Rita held up a hand for silence, and not surprisingly, they all listened. "Ms. Reynolds and I will each issue a brief statement and that is all."

Rita turned to Percy and nodded her head, giving her a smile. Percy took a deep breath and looked out into the sea of people. "I just want to say that I'm pleased that the jury found it in their hearts to consider me not guilty. Today, I feel vindicated and I feel like we've made strides against unlawful censorship."

She looked at Rita, who nodded again before she turned to the media. "My client, Ms. Persephone Reynolds, has been completely exonerated, as was her book, Letters from Will. We would like to thank all members of the jury for understanding the case for what it was, prosecutorial overreach and an ill-disguised form of censorship. Thank you very much."

Someone from the back of the group yelled. "Where's Tom?"

Rita sighed. "If you mean Mr. Hiddleston, I have no idea where he is. I'm not his keeper, I just deposed him."

Another voice rang out closer to the front. "Persephone, are you and Tom back together again?"

Again, Rita answered for her. "My client and Mr. Hiddleston's personal lives are just that, personal. None of your business." She held up a hand as more questions were shouted. "That's it, folks. Thank you very much for your time."

Percy walked away, flanked by Charlie and Rita until they got to the taxi that waited at the curb. Percy breathed a sigh of relief at the thought of Charlie's guest bedroom. "Finally! I can't wait until we're at your place." Rita just grinned before she gave Percy a peck on the cheek. She waved as she walked off, leaving Charlie and Percy by the car. Charlie pulled his phone out and fiddled around with it for a moment before he held it out in front of him.

"Don't be mad, but we aren't going to my apartment." He pushed a button and Percy heard Tom's voice as it came from the device in Charlie's hand.

"Darling, by now you are finished with everything and you are no doubt giving Charlie a hard time about where you're sleeping tonight. Don't bother. He is going to bring you to my hotel, The Greenwich. Please just get in the car, Persephone. I'll explain everything when you get here."

Percy sighed as she realized that she's just too exhausted to argue anymore. She climbed into the car without a word, to Charlie's shock, who followed behind her before he gave directions to the driver. Percy further shocked Charlie as she leaned forward to speak to the driver. "Disregard that address. 15 Central Park West, please."

Deep Water (A Brief Sequel To Letters From Will)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن