"Oh my god." I said and everyone turned to look at me. 

"Who are you."

"Yn what are you doing here."

"Wait how does the flash know my name. I told Barry that this morning. And why did I see Barry run off with super speed." They all looked at him. "Barry I know it's you. I'm not stupid." I said a little pissed off. He removed the mask and Iris stepped towards me. I always hated her, but she never knew I did. "Stay away. I lose control when I'm angry." I said as water started to float. Barry started to be aware of his surrounding.

"It's happening. The man in the blur. He's here."

"What are you talking about. I'm doing all this. Don't lose control. Don't lose control." I repeated the last thing over and over. Holding my head. I took a beep breath and my hand caught fire. "Whoa." I said hitting my hand trying to get rid of the fire.

"What just happened."

"That's was a first. I can control water and air, now fire?" I said. I started thinking of fire and both my hands burst into flames. I laugh and I moved my hands around and the fire moved away from me and it burned the guy in a wheel chair. I recalled the flame and it disappeared. "I'm so sorry." I said and he waved it off.

"What exactly is your power."

"Unknown" I said. Barry nodded. "Well flash. We just left work. Is that ok with you. Because it's not with me."

"I need to take care of this."

"BARRY. WE HAVE A JOB. DO YOU WANT TO KEEP IT." My voice deepened and I held my throat in shock. "That hurt."

"Can I just run some test on you." A girl with brown hair said.

"Who are you"

"Caitlin snow. I work here."

"Well Caitlin. I'm not a test subject. Barry let's go." I said. Barry stopped me in the hall. I crossed my arm over my chest. "Barry. Your not talking me out of this."

"Why can't I do this. I am the flash and I need to be him to help everyone in this city. I don't need your permission."

"Actually you do because you are supposed to teach me how to do the job. You need to be there for me to complete that job or else I would gladly let you go be the flash, but I can't because you have to teach me." I said and Barry just stood there. I wave my hand in front of him. "Earth to Barry."

"Sorry. Your eyes changed color."

"They do that. They change due to my feelings."

"What's orange."

"Concern" I said loving how he asks me question.

"What pink."

"What. Why do you want to know that."

"Nevermind. Your eyes keep changing."

"Mix emotions. My eye glow a certain color when I use my powers."

"Cool." He said. "So you want to go back to wo-"

"Barry there's a robbery."

"Can I take it. I'll let you skip out for today."

"You can come with me. I have a lot to teach you." He said and I smile. He sped out as he held my hand. I let go and he stopped. I held my stomach and hoped I didn't puke.

"I'm going to have to get use to that. Do you want to fly." I asked and he thought for a bit. "Too late." I said as I waved my hands and water pick both of us. He struggled a little and I motioned for him to calm down. He stopped and just sat on the water. We flew to where the robbery was happening. I was flowing above and I lowered to the ground and flash went in. I moved my water onto my arms to make tentacles. I walked in and I took one of them down. It took a bit. Barry took the other three. I smile and he grabbed me and raced back to star labs. We were in the cortex and Barry got into stance. "What are you doing."

"We are going to train. Is it ok for Caitlin to test your vitals while we do this."

"Ummm" I look at Caitlin looked hopeful. "Will it hurt." I said defeated. She squealed and started hooking sticker like devices on me. She stepped back and typed on the computer. She gave a thumbs up to Barry and he started speeding around me. I smirk. I pulled all the water that was in the room and I slid the water on the ground towards me and tripped Barry. Berry being the best that he is dodged and I could feel myself being picked up and I too beep breaths. Then that memory came back. I started to breath heavy and Caitlin was shouting for Barry to stop. I used the water and they turned to icicles and I tried shooting at him. Barry stopped dead in his tracks and the icicles landed in front of him. I fall to the ground hard but I ran out off the room crying.

Barry's POV

Yn just ran out of the room and Caitlin ran after her. Cisco looked at the results and he looked panicked. "She lost control. Her brain wavelengths are all over the place." Caitlin came back in.

"Those wavelengths showed a panicked attack. She's really upset, Barry you should talk to her." She said.

"Me why me." I said.

"She seem more comfortable around you." She said and I sighed. I walked outside after changing back in my regular clothes. I found yn sitting next to a pillar. I sat next to her.

"You ok."

"Your mom was murdered right." She said looking at her hands. I looked down at the ground and I nodded.


"You said that something killed her and not your dad."

"He's innocent. I saw it happen right in front of me. Mom was killed by a guy in a yellow blur."

"Was there red in it." She asked and I looked at her. She was looking at me and her eyes were a light blue. Sadness. I nodded.

"How did you."

"Your not the only one."

"What" I said. She shook her head. I hugged her and she cried again.

"I can't talk about it right now" she said and I nodded. Knowing it's a hard thing to talk about something
That traumatized you when you were so little or even when it something you love goes horribly wrong. I had it happen to me. My mom was murdered. If the same thing happened to her. Then I won't be alone. I might have someone who will believe my story.


Thanks for choosing to read my story and I hoped you enjoyed it. Love ya byeeeeeeeeee

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