The rush of magic left a euphoric thrill that made her smirk despite the prickling of a new mark along her collarbone. She'd stopped the flames. She had full control. The men stared apprehensively at the Dragon, including Shezenos. Tomas was pale and shocked, sword still halfway raised. It appeared Amary was the only one who understood, since his wide-eyed stare locked on Tessa.

"Is this your doing?" Shezenos asked the Dragon.

Tessa laughed. "I hereby inform you, Emperor, that I am the fifty-sixth recruit within the Dragon's ranks."

"You've gone completely mad, woman," Shezenos said through gritted teeth.

Amary intervened, "Father, perhaps we should let the queen have her conversation with the Felleran captain?"

"Don't fret, Amary," she chimed. "I've decided I don't wish to stay here regardless. I believe there are one thousand soldiers in the warehouse district who should benefit from their captain and queen visiting them. Tomas!"

He sheathed his sword and followed her out of the room, and down the marble stairs. Not a word was uttered as they made their way to the stables. Tomas hopped on his stallion's back, and Tessa waited as a nervous stable boy saddled a blonde mare. Once he was done, Tessa leapt on, adjusted her cloak, and grasped the reins.

As they plodded down the slope and towards the fog-shrouded town, Tessa gave Tomas a briefing on recent events. Only what he needed to know.

"All things considered," she finished, "I reckon I've made a powerful ally. The Dragon is a decent tutor, and, as you may have noticed, dark magic comes in handy from time to time."

They headed towards Blue Heron's southern district, where rows of squat buildings emerged from the fog. Tomas' frowning gaze avoided her.

"I'm aware of the hypocrisy here," she said. "But I found myself short of options. And, as it turns out, Jaden has also been using magic to attain his goals."

"Has he?" Tomas questioned.

"Yes, I have sound intelligence."

"Tessa, could we stop for a moment?" He reined in, and she did the same.

They were still on the outskirts of town. The only thing that broke the silence was the cry of a seagull circling the sky.

"I heard Jaden was legitimate," Tomas said. "I heard Matt believed that to be true, which drove him to lead the coup. It appears we stand on the verge of a divided realm."

"What do you believe?" Tessa asked.

He jumped off his mount. She did likewise, holding her mare's reins in one gloved hand.

"I'd rather hear it from you," Tomas said. The lines around his eyes ran deeper than before, and more grey hairs grew from his temples.

"Is that why you're here, then?" she asked. "To get answers from me? Is that why you brought one hundred of your best soldiers?"

"We're here to support our queen. To fight for her, if necessary." A perfect answer from a loyal soldier.

She glanced away, her curls rustled by the faint breeze.

A memory taunted her, of a lovely spring day, and Malek returning unexpectedly to the castle to deliver an urgent message. Her father had died in the war. But not before he had spoken his final words to Jaden. And Malek had been spying outside the king's tent.

On that day, something broke inside her, and not only because of her father's demise. Her mother's cold indifference towards her now ached deeper than ever. Jaden wasn't the bastard boy of some other man her mother had loved more than Damian Nightvale. No, they were fully brother and sister after all, and yet Kristine Fairlocks had only ever cared about Jaden.

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