( i. ) pretty name for a pretty girl

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"You new here?" A whiny brunette asked while chewing her obnoxiously pink bubblegum.

"No, I'm just filling out new student forms for no reason." Aria rolled her eyes. She never understood why people asked those obvious questions. If you already know the answer, why can't you just keep quiet? Was pretty much her motto at this point in life.

The brunette scoffed before storming out of the office. Her short skirt flew around her skinny thighs as she walked.

Aria completed the paperwork and handed it to the old lady, who had a broken arm and a blank white cast. She takes a few minutes — that seem like hours — to get the blonde's timetable ready. Aria's legs start to ache. She hadn't had to do this much physical activity in, well, forever; she was a lazy person.

The receptionist handed Aria the papers she needed for the day and the blonde finally headed out, welcoming the fresh air. Another thing the teenager never understood is why some schools have separate buildings for their offices and classrooms. Why is that even necessary?

She made the short walk over to the larger building and braced herself before opening the doors of 'hell'.

"Satan, I'm home," She muttered.

A few girls were speaking annoyingly loud in the corner of the hallway, standing around for no apparent reason. Aria recognized one of them to be the girl from the office.

Aria noticed the girl staring at her, and the brunette's friends look at her too. The bubblegum girl starts whispering something to them, which was obviously about what happened previously. Aria turns around quickly.

The crystal eyed girl continued her walk through the lobby of 'hell', checking the clock to see classes start in two minutes.

She paid close attention to the room numbers as she slowly navigated her way to room 93 — English. The blonde walked into the classroom right as the bell rings and she found an empty seat.

The teacher started speaking, his voice loud and firm. Only a few minutes into the lesson, the boy next to Aria leans to the side.

"What's your name?" He asked, tapping her shoulder.

"The teacher's speaking." Aria replied, not taking her eyes off of the whiteboard at the front of the room.

"Oh, so you're a good girl, huh? You don't look like it." The smirk was evident in his tone.

"I'm not a 'good girl'." Aria said, using quotes around the term good girl. "I just don't feel like getting in trouble on my first day."

"You'll be fine." He mutters. "Mr A doesn't care anyways, his class is the easiest A ever, no pun intended."

She rolled her eyes. "Can you like — stop talking to me or something?"

"Just tell me your name," He begs. "I'll stop talking, I swear."

"Aria." She answered, still not taking a look at him.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." He comments.

"I thought you said you'd be quiet." She grumbled, finally turning her head towards him.

His curly brown hair will be one feature I will never forget. It's just one of those things you want to run your hands through, it looked so soft. His soft brown eyes pierced into my soul. His freckled lips turned up into the slyest smirk I've ever seen.

She rolled her eyes for the millionth time today before turning her attention back to the lesson.

The brown eyed boy didn't speak once for the rest of the two hours they had together. Throughout the day the pair realized they had every class together, and each time they walked into a new room together, he would smirk in Aria's direction and sit right next to her. Unluckily for Aria, after sitting down, the teachers gave them the news that where they were sitting would be their seats for the rest of the semester; meaning she'd be sitting with this boy, who's name is Jack, for quite a while.

At lunch Aria sat at a table with a group of girls, who all stared at her with confusion as she ate.

She didn't really care about making new friends, so she mostly kept to herself. If anyone desperately wanted to talk to me, they could.

After school, the blue-eyed girl walked to her new house, noticing a boy walking to the house next to hers. He had very curly dirty blonde hair, which sort of reminded everyone of ramen noodles, and one of the sharpest jawlines Aria had ever seen. He glanced over at Aria and waved with a smile before they both walked into their own houses, his being a lot warmer looking than hers.

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