coralei gets glasses

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A few minutes later, Dr. Parker walks in with a big smile on her face.

"Hi, Dr. Parker!" Benji says as he waves.

"Hello, Benjamin! It's so good to see you! Hi, Coralei! You are so pretty. I love your hair!" Dr. Parker says as she plays with Coralei's hair making her smile.

"So, I heard Coralei is having trouble seeing! What's been going on?" Dr. Parker asks Coralei as she looks at Coralei's eyes.

"Will and I believe that she is nearsighted. She can't sit on the couch and watch TV, she's gotta be right on top of the tv. And if we move her she has a fit and cries." RJ says.

"I see. Yeah most parents just think it's the kid being stubborn and not a vision issue." Dr. Parker says.

"Yeah. We both wear glasses and we know the struggle, so we didn't want Coralei to suffer if she doesn't have to." Will says as he fixes Coralei's bow.

"She is learning her letters so how does the vision screen work?" RJ asks.

"I do a lot of testing with toys and things like that. Do you guys think she is color blind?" Dr. Parker asks Will and RJ.

"She sees color fine, she knows what's pink and what's not!" RJ says as Dr. Parker laughs.

"Aw, we have a girly girl I see! So precious! I love your dress!" Dr. Parker says to Coralei.

"What do you say?" Will asks Coralei as Coralei hides her face.

"Aw, it's okay! She doesn't have to talk! I know this is scary." Dr. Parker says.

"She talks all the time except today! She isn't a fan of the doctors!" RJ says as he kisses Coralei's cheek.

"Was she born premature? I usually ask this because sometimes if a baby is premature that's why they need glasses." Dr. Parker asks Will and RJ.

"No, she was born at thirty eight weeks." Will says and Coralei looks at Dr. Parker's necklace.

"Did she have any delays in her development?" Dr. Parker asks as she

"She was very ahead in motor development and all development really. She's a smart toddler." RJ says with a big smile.

"Does she rub her eyes a lot? And does she blink a lot?" Dr. Parker says as she looks at Coralei's eyes with a light.

"She usually rubs her eyes when she's tired but lately it's been all the time." Will says.

"Yeah, and she will blink a lot when something is far away and she wants to see it." RJ says.

"I see. Okay, I am going to do some tests with her, if you don't mind." Dr. Parker says.

"Sure, go ahead." Will says softly.

Dr. Parker holds up a pink bunny, moving it side to side and up and down, seeing how Coralei tracks it with her eyes.

"Her eyes track very well! Which is great! Her eyes don't seem to be lazy or anything like that. Here, you can have the bunny if you like." Dr. Parker says as Coralei hugs it.

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