Efo Riro (Vegetable Soup)

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Yes you read that right, I'm gonna teach you how to make Efo Riro (this literally means Vegetable that you mix), Efo Riro (the bae of all baes, the one that I love, they spice in my meal, my love), honestly it is my favorite soup (when made the way I like), it can be used to eat anything from rice to semovita, wheat, amala and what have you, it's is so versatile and easy to make

Spinach leaves (chopped) (7-10 cups)
7-10 pieces stock fish
assorted meat (liver, beef, tripe, cow skin)
1 and half large Bell pepper ( blended)
Habanero pepper (blended)
Onions (diced)
Ground Crayfish (optional)
2-3 spoons of iru (locust beans)
smoked fish (2-3 medium sized)
Palm oil (200ml)
3 knorr cubes or Stock cubes

1. Place the washed meat in a pot, add a little water, a little bit of the diced onion and season with salt and 2 knorr cube and cook till tender.

Add the smoked fish, stock fish, a cup of water and cook for another 10-15 minutes (depending on the hardness of your stock fish) (keep your stock)

2. Remove the pot from heat, place another pot on fire and pour in some palm oil, Allow to heat before adding the remaining sliced onions (let it heat properly) and pepper, stir and allow to fry properly while stirring occasionally to avoid burning, fry till dry (but not too dry).

3. Pour in a LITTLE (emphasis on little, you do not want a liquid filled vegetable) stock before adding the cooked meat and stock fish, stir and allow to simmer for 5 minutes, add the crayfish and locust beans, stir and allow to simmer for another 3 minutes. Taste it before adding a cube of maggi and salt to taste (it should look like a semi thick stew) stir and add the dried fish and then the spinach leafs. Stir it all together and allow to simmer for another 2-3 minutes (I like my vegetable green and somewhat raw so you can leave it for a bit longer if you don't like that) and you just made a delicious pot of Efo Riro

This is how to make efo riro soup in Nigeria especially in the western parts of Nigeria, it can be served with Eba (Roasted cassava flour), Pounded yam, rice, beans, Semolina, Amala or any other similar Nigerian Food of your choice

If your pair Efo Riro with rice and a bottle of coke, it's like a food heaven

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