Awara (tofu)

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Intermediate Skill

Don't skip it just yet, trust me this is tofu like you've never had it before, this is tofu redefined, the 2.0 version, this takes time and energy to make but trust me it is worth it, please don't buy tofu just to save time (it's not worth it)


3 cups soya bean
Lime juice 75ml (to act as a coagulant )
Salt and pepper to taste

* Soak the soy beans over night to soften it

* Drain the water and blend it (add water while blending (probably about 3 cups)

* Strain the blended soy bean through a cheese cloth or sieve

* Pour the sieved milk into a pot and boil on medium hit for about 45min while continuously stirring

* Reduce the hit and pour in the lime juice (do not stir), the milk should start to cuddle

* Turn off the heat, cover the pot and let sit for about an hour 

* Pour the tofu into the cheese clothe over the sink and strain out as much liquid as you can (squeeze the cheese clothe tightly to get rid of the extra milk)

* Press down on the tightened cheese cloth with something very heavy to squeeze out all the excess milk

* Leave for some hours to fully set

* Season the tofu with salt, Maggi and pepper to taste and cut into desired shape and size

* Deep fry until golden brown

Serve with some tomato sauce, yaji (grounded pepper mix) or on its own

If you guys want my Yaji recipe just let me know and I'll post it

Disclaimer: the picture used does not belong to me

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