Chapter Thirteen- Cake Baking and Candytufts

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- One Day After The Events Of Chapter Twelve -

Tyler was nervous throughout the entirety of his Friday work day.

He was going to see Ethan after work, you know, the Ethan that he kissed yesterday? Yeah.

He was jumpy all day, wondering crazily unrealistic things

Oh why oh why did his sleepy brain have to send Mi amor to him?

From what he could remember, it was because he wanted to call Ethan something super sweet but also something that sounded fancy.... so he ended up searching it up on the internet?

Yeah.  From what he got from good ol Google was that 'Mi Amor' meant 'my love' in Spanish.

God, what if he was wrong? What if Ethan actually knew Spanish and called him out on it and ooooooh boy was he not ready to go to Jacks.

Speaking of Jacks, when Tyler finished work the green bean messaged him his address, and a little teaser of what they were doing.

'Okay, you might be wondering what we're doing.  Well, we'll be recording a video, and Mark'll be there.'

Oh yeahhhh.... Jack had this YouTube channel that he posted videos to, and he sometimes asked his friends to help out.

Like today.

When Tyler got to Jacks house, he found that Mark was already there, but Ethan wasn't.

"Don't worry, your boyfriend'll be here soon." Mark assured him, setting Tyler's face ablaze.

He mumbled something that was a mix of We're Not Dating and Why Are You Like This and I Want To Go Home.

He could tell it was going to be a long day.

While they waited for the blue boy, Tyler sat on a stool that was set out, tuning out the teasing that the two others were sending his way.

All he payed attention to was the text that Ethan had just sent him; Open the door you little fucks, door bells not working.

And so, he managed to stumble to the door, and open it, all while he was having a full scale giggle fit.

He delved even further into giggle hell as he saw Ethan.

The blue boys hair was all tousslled and messy, with little flecks of plant stuck in it.

He looked kinda pissed, but also vv adorable.  Tyler could just feel his heart explode.

"H-Hey." Ethan stammered, slipping past the taller and into the house.

Once all participants were gathered around the kitchen island, Jack pulled out some ingredients, and.... beach pails? Okay, weird.

The green bean then proceeded to explain what they were doing;

"Okay, so, today I needed your help in filming Jacksepticeye Makes Cake.  Tyler and Ethan, you two will be cooking with me, and Mark you'll be manning the camera, as you have the most experience with it."

They all nodded in unison, taking their places around the island.

Tyler didn't really pay attention until him and Ethan were called upon, at which point he popped up from behind the island.

"Yes, it's true.  We're the Three Cakeskateers!" Jack proclaimed, motioning towards the two males on either side of him.

"And we are here to conquer cake, once and for all!  Introducing Tyler, The Ethan-Sheid." The green bean announced, putting a hand on Tyler's shoulder as the tall male made a confused face.

"And Ethan, The Tyler-Sheid!" As he repeated the action, Tyler gave a wheezy laugh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"And together, they make TYTHAN!" Jack shouted, pumping his fist in the air.

His proclamation was met with alternating 'nooooooo's and 'ehhhhh's from said Ethan and Tyler.

The rest of the recording was filled with laughter, butter holes in Tyler's cake, Ethans smooth smooth batter, and Jacks awkward waiting dances.

It was great.

But oh god, the icing bit was the best.  Jack designed his to have a dick on it, Ethans had 'Happy Birthday' (no one knew why) and Tyler had worms and green frosting.


But, No, that wasn't half of the laughs that were shared.

Jack had smeared green frosting over his face, you know, blending in with his Irish relatives.

Ethan, oh boy that lovable little bean smeared sprinkles over his lips, claiming he was an Instagram model or some shit.

And then the best thing happened, oh it was great.

They were presenting their cakes to the camera, when Tyler bent down his neck a little and wOAH WHAT THE FUCK?

Something had flung out of Tyler's mouth and onto Jacks cake, scaring the shit out of all four people in the room.

"What was that, what was that?" Mark screeched, trying to get a better look.

Ethan then proceeded to explain what gleeking was, aka pressing your salvitory glands so that the spit flies out of your mouth.


Please help the poor boye.

Mark didn't even want to taste Jacks cake, and god Tyler wouldn't want to either, you could still see the spit on it.

Over all, Ethan ended up winning with his overall maybe kinda decent cakeish thing.

Jack ended off the video with his signature loud outtro, while the blue and tall boys plopped down on the green beans couch.

Gosh, Tyler felt so awkward around Ethan.  I mean, who wouldn't be a stuttering mess around someone who's your crush, and you just so happened to have kissed the day before?

He really hoped that he wasn't the only one that was quite flustered.  Though, Ethan always seemed like the guy that would be really cool under pressure, all macho and smooth.

Speaking of smooth, he didn't really notice until Jack cleared his throat that everyone was staring at him.

He flushed lightly, murmuring a "S-Sorry, what?"

Mark rolled his eyes, a smile on his face.  "We're gonna do some would you rathers and truth or dares with a twist.  So, we'll take shots whenever we chicken out.  I'm the only one who can't drink, so I'll be keeping an eye on you all."

Oh, and did he have to keep an eye on them.

About seven shots in, Tyler was pretty drunk.  To be fair, he was a lightweight.

Drunk Tyler was interesting.  He became a little louder than usual, and giggled more.  He also didn't seem to feel embarrassment as he confessed everything and anything to the group.

On the opposite spectrum, drunk Ethan was boisterous, flinging his legs out on Tyler's lap and singing random tunes to himself.  The kid was a mess.

Drunk Jack was well, Jack.  Not much difference there except for a red face and slurred speech.

And, let me say, Tyler and Ethan didn't seem to feel much shame or embarrassment as they cuddled together and fell asleep in each other's arms.

The only thing that Tyler remembered doing before he fell asleep was murmuring "My corazoncito."


My corazoncito- My little heart

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