Chapter Five- Dogs and Dianthus'

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- The Morning After The Events Of Chapter Four -

Coffee in hand, Ethan jogged to work, a bright grin on his face, and light in his eyes.  He was energized, not only from the hot drink, but from seeing Tyler yesterday.  He only got like four hours of sleep last night, but sleep is for the weak. He could sleep on the weekend, but for now he had to get to work

Besides, it was already Friday.

Surprisingly, he was a whopping five minutes early for his shift, a change that Mark greatly appreciated.  He grinned at said friend as he walked through the door, the Korean cheering "Your early for once man!"

Ethan grinned, slinging his apron around his neck, and storing away his stuff in the back room.  He walked out into the sho, breathing in the misty air and flinging out his arms.

"Iiiiim back bitches!" Jack, who had just walked through the door, chuckled, ducking into the back room to get ready for work.

Ethan slid behind the counter, dabbing some dirt on his arms and face.  All his customers seemed to appreciate him more if he looked like he was dirty and had been working for hours.  It was great, but messy.

Speaking of customers, the bell on the door chimed, signaling someone had pushed it open.  He put on a welcoming grin, seeing ad he was the only one actually in the shop currently.

"Welcome to Pottermore! My name is Ethan, how can I help you today?" He chirped, the well rehearsed line doing it's magic.

The male that had come through the door was tall, not as tall as Tyler, but still tall.  He had this weird hair style that Mark used to have, what was it called? Eh, he didn't know, he just knew that wowie it was strange.

That weird hair was a sandy blonde, and his eyes were these bright baby blues.  He had the makings of a beard, and if he really true she probably could grow one.  Ethan studied him, he was never one to forgot a customer.

 He came up to the counter, looking nervous. "U-uhm hi. I-Im looking for some dianthus, and foxglove.  W-where can I find those?"

The blue boy grinned, jumping over the countertop and placing his hands on his hips.  "Right this way man!" He took the unfamiliar guy over to the wild flowers, picking out some red foxgloves, and then swung over to the Jack-titled 'Royal Sounding Flowers' section.

The guy deliberated, then grabbed some purpley-blue dianthus'.  They swerved back over to the counter, depositing the flowers near the register.

Ethan typed in the names and prices of the flowers. As he did so, he asked the regular question.  "Whats the occasion?"

The guy fiddled with his fingers, and then answered with a sigh "Aw god, I'm gonna sound like a wimp. Here goes; the ones that I had in my house before died.  I wanted some new flowers."

Instead of laughing, the blue boy grinned. "Dude, then I'm a wimp. I have a garden on the balcony of my apartment, and I buy flowers from here to put in it. No wimpiness in my books."

The guy smiled as well, handing over the money to pay for the flowers.  "Thank you! My name's Matthias, by the way."

He chirped back a "Your welcome!" before dusting his hands off on his pants, and waiting for someone else to ask for help, or come up to him.

It turned out that Mister Green Bean was the next one to ask for a conversation, sliding over on the slick floor tiles towards the boy boy, a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Eth, don't freak out okay??? I've got something to tell you, that Mark told me to tell you.  Have you wondered why he hasn't been at work since early this morning?" Ethan rubbed his chin, and then nodded.  He hadn't seen Mark since he got in.

"Welllllll, in a few minutes, he's coming back, and he had something to show us.  It might have to do with someone called Chica." He tilted his head at the name.  He didn't think he knew anyone by the name of Chica.  He knew it meant girl, but why would some girl be called Chica?

All his questions and more were answered in 0.1 seconds, when the door chimed, and familiar fluffy black hair shouldered it's way through.  Mark was smiling like crazy, and he was holding something in hi- ooOH.

Dangling from his hand was a brown leather leash, and connected to that leash, was a collar. A simple, black collar. But, what was wearing that collar? The cutest golden retriever he had ever seen.

She had these big ol eyes, and the cutest snooter on this side of the planet.  God, he just wanted to scoop her up and cuddle with her.  Mark led that gorgeous pupper over to them, and she sniffed each of them before barking.

"You got a dog!!!! So I'm guessing this is Chica?" Ethan squeaked, earning a nod from Mark.  He bent down, patting the doggos head, and getting his hand licked by her.

He giggled, petting her more.  Jack had joined him in the pats.  Mark had a great idea, one that Ethan might kill him for later, but also might thank him for.

He pulled out his phone, taking a video of Ethan being a cute giggly bitch while playing with Chica.  He sent the video over to Tyler, don't ask how he got his number, and waited for the action to unfold.

The blue boy was so happy, he loved dogs, always had.  His mom had two dogs, and they lived at her house, but he really missed them.  Maybe they could take Chica over for a doggy playdate.

He felt a buzz in his pocket, but ignored it, still playing.  It was already the end of the day, and no customers were in the shop. So, Mark let them off a bit early, mostly so that they would let his dog go.

As Ethan was walking home, he pulled out his phone, seeing that Tyler had messaged him.  He pulled up the text, and blushed.

Never knew you liked dogs so much.  Your adorable man.

And on that day, Ethan vowed to murder Mark.

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