Chapter Four- Fluff and Foxgloves

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- Five Hours After The Events Of Chapter Three -

The two awoke to the sound of a phone vibrating.  It was Ethans phone, and they both momentarily forgot about the position that they fell asleep in.  He reached over, grabbing his phone, and giving a slight squeak at what the screen read.

Two missed calls, one from 'Merkiphermp' and another from 'Sparkley Dick', and a whole swathe of texts from Merkiphermp and 'Jackspedicye'.  He gulped, checking the time.

Oh god, oh god, oh my.  It was already nine am, aka two hours after his shift started.  He skimmed through the texts, most of Jacks were 'dude where are you' and 'are you okay?' and 'man, please respond'

Marks, though.... he payed way more attention to Marks.  They started off similar to Jacks, where are you, your shift started half an hour ago, get your ass over here, and then it changed.  Mark must've remembered that he had asked Ethan what he was so giddy about yesterday, which the blue boy had responded with 'Going to hang out with Tyler.'  Cue the gay fangirling.

They then turned to ooooh, i forgot, your over at Tyyyyyyyylers, you two having fun ;), you know what take the day off to be with your boyfriend, and the most recent on from a few minutes ago, wow my little blue bean is all grown up, spending the night with a man, proud of you dude.

Tyler snorted, and Ethan turned a furious red colour as he turned his head around, realizing that he had read his phone.  "You know, your friends have some really wild fantasies about us. At least he let you off of work.  More time for us to hangout."

Ethan nodded, a smile already brightening his face.

Then realization hit both of them. They each looked at the other, then down at their chests, then to Tylers arms which were still wrapped around Ethan, and finally to each others faces once more.  He erupted into a dark blush that reached his neck and ears, while Tyler just had a light blush on his sharp features.

"S-so u-uhm..." Ethan started, but Tyler cut him off.  "If your uncomfortable we can move, i'll make breakfast if your hungry."  He thought for a second before responding, really not wanting to get up.  It was so warm just laying here.

"I mean, if you want to move, i'll move.  Buut, im kinda comfy here."  He admitted, and Tyler broke into a smile.  The taller boy removed an arm from around Ethans waist, fumbling for the remote.  He flipped on a channel, while the blue boy sighed and snuggled deeper into Tylers chest.

They just kinda chilled there for a while.  If someone looked at them, they'd say the two were cuddling.  Meh, maybe that person just reads too much fluff.

It was all broken when a ring from the doorbell spooked the two, sending both tumbling to the ground.  This time, Ethan was on the bottom, with Tyler having landed on him.  They both broke into a blush, until Tyler slowly crawled off, and went to answer the door.

Ethan just kinda laid there, dazed and confused.  Did that just happen?  How did that happen?  He was still there, a shocked confused mess, when Tyler came back.  He chuckled, slinging the smaller boy over his shoulder.

He yelled in protest, beating his fists lightly against the bigger males broad back. Tyler just chuckled, heading over to the kitchen, and plopping Ethan down on a chair, patting his blue hair reassuringly. "Now, you sit tight, and I'll make breakfast."

Ethan giggled, giving into his giggly bitch nature, watching Tyler as he swayed across his kitchen, humming to a tune that he didn't really know. Eh, maybe he heard it once.

He pulled out his phone, scrolling through Twitter, and before he knew it, a beautiful steaming plate of cheesy scrambled eggs was placed on the table before him.

He shoved his phone back in his pocket, letting how hungry he was show on his face. Tyler chuckled, sitting down with an identical plate.

As they dug into their plates of goodness, Tyler started asking him Would You Rather questions from that one website. It was fun, learning a bit more about each other from simple questions like that.

When they both were almost finished, he came upon a very awkward question, but asked anyways. "Would you rather.. .. fuck the closest person to you..  or the last person you saw."

Ethans face was burning for the millionth time that day, and he barely was able to stutter out an answer.  "W-well, cons-sidering that t-the last person I saw b-before coming here was M-Mark, and he's already d-dating Amy, i-i guess the p-person closest t-to m-me?" He squeaked, not helping his case by being adorable.

Tyler was lightly blushing, and he had a devilish smirk on as he leaned across the table, whispering in the youngers ear "I mean, my bedroom is always open."

Ethan shoved him away, standing up and marching over to the couch. He angrily sat down, patting the seat next to him. "For that comment, you owe me a couple more hours of snacks and video games."

And so they did. Video games and snacks, that is, not the fucking. Get your damn minds out of the gutter.

It was soon late, 8:32 pm to be exact.  Ethan was getting tired, well, Tyler was too, and they both had work in the morning, so they walked go the front door, mumbling sleepy goodbyes.

Before the blue boy could walk outside, the taller male pulled him to his chest in a hug. Ethan grinned, hugging his friend back, before feeling rough, warm lips being tapped against his forehead. Tyler smiled, releasing him and shoving him out the door. "Begone thot."

He burst out laughing, waving to the male in the doorway, screaming "Shut your fuck, hoe, and keep it in your pants!"

Ethan trotted back to his apartment with the biggest grin on his face, giggling to himself every now and then.

He fell on his bed once he was inside, checking his phone, which just provided some garish language from a certain 'Apocalypto_12' aka Tyler.

The two chatted profanely for a while, before Ethan felt his head droop, and sleep had overtaken his mind.

The Sands Of Thyme (A Tythan Flower Shop AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora