1. Who am I?

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Ben swung through the city "Great,my first day back at Midtown high and im gonna be late." Ben's phone rang to the tune of the Spectacular Spider-Man Theme as he swung building to building "That's probably Ethan or Grace." He swung off a web and landed on the bottom of a helicopter then answered his phone. "Where are you Ben?" Asked Ethan "Im on my way I just was caught up with something" responded Ben. "Dude you're gonna be late and Grace is waiting for you too". Ben looked down as the helicopter was over Midtown High "Tell her I'll be there in less than a minute" Ben said as he jumped off the helicopter into an alley one street away from Midtown High. "Alright then I'll see you soon" Ethan hung up. Ben slowed his fall by landing on the alley wall, he then climbed down it and changed into his regular clothes. He checked his phone "Hey well would you look at that im not late for once". He ran to the school and at the entrance he saw Ethan and Grace. "Ethan!" Ben called out, Ethan and Grace waved at Ben. "Wow you're not late for once, Im surprised Ben" said Grace "I am too" Ben responded. The bell rang.

Ethan,Grace,and Ben walked to the entrance when Ethan said "So Grace, how has your father been?" Grace responded "He's been pretty good,Spider-Man has been making his job a little bit easier but he says that Spider-Man is a menace." Ben looked in the glass of the front doors and saw his face as half Spider-Man half his own. Ethan opened the door for them as they walked in. "I think your dad's wrong Grace" Ben replied. "I do too, I mean Spider-man helps the people, he saves lives." Ben remember when he saved a family from a burning building in the summer. They walked into science class and noticed that Dr.Connors wasn't there "Where Dr.Connors?" Asked Ethan. Ben and Grace looked at each other and then back at Ethan and shrugged "No idea" they said simultaneously. They took a seat in their desks and looked at the clock, the bell rang indicating that first period had started. Ben looked out the window and thought to himself "I've been on a look out for Dr.Connors all summer,but I didn't find anyting. He just disappeared never to be heard of again. I wonder if it has anything to do with his health." Dr. Connors came through the door "Hello class sorry I'm late I was just running a little late." Dr.Connors turned around to write the day's lesson on the board. Ben noticed that he had a little chip on his neck the size of a dime. Ben looked at it and thought to himself looks like I have my answer." Ben continued with his day.

After school Ben,Grace,and Ethan all walked out of school together Ethan looked at Ben and Grace and said "Are you guys down to go to get a bite to eat at like 5?" Ben replied "So in pretty much two hours?" Ben checked his phone to see that it was 2:15 he then said "Sure" Grace replied "Yeah sounds like fun." Ben went off on his own as Grace and Ethan went on the city bus. Ben walked to the same alley he changed in before school "Hello alley my old friend" Ben took off his back pack and changed into Spiderman. He filled his web shooters and then climbed up the allwy wall. "Alright now time to get answers" Ben swung ontop of the school and climbed into the ventilation shaft crawling to Connors room. Once above it he opened the cover and crawled out onto the ceiling. Connors was on the phone "You can't just do this to me" Connors said angrily "I will not be your accomplice in your little sadistic plan" Dr.Connors was then shocked by his chip. He dropped his phone in pain as he was now transforming into the Lizard. Ben's eyes widened "Oh no." The lizard turned around and growled at Ben. Ben looked at the Lizard "Dr.Connors snap out if i-" Ben was tackled by the Lizard out of the window "Okay then" Ben started trading blows with Lizard as they fell down Midtown High. The Lizard wrapped Ben in his tail, Ben the shot a web to the surrounding building as both him and Lizard crashed into an office building. Ben broke free from the grasp of Lizards tail. He flipped onto a table "Mondays am I right?" He web pulled a table at Lizard. Lizard caught the table and broke it in half as he charged at Ben. Jumped onto the roof as Lizard sent himself flying out the window,Ben followed "Who was he talking to?" Ben landed on a lamp post "Connors!" He yelled out the Lizard turned around and threw a car at Ben. Ben jumped over it and shot a web at the car throwing it back at him. Lizard was hit by it but he quickly got back up. Ben started shooting web balls at the Lizard but he didn't flinch. He then shot a web into lizards face and pulled himself forward punching him square in the face knocking him down "Sorry Connors but it had to be do-" Lizard grabbed him with his tail and started slamming him into the nearby buildings. He threw him into a bar and Ben landed infrobt of a clock noticing that the fight had been going on for a while since it was now 5:00 "Oh great" Ben swung out the door kicking  Lizard into a car. Lizard started crawling and jumping fast fron building to building "Hey wall crawling is my thing! Start swinging a web and I'll sue!" He started swinging after him

Meanwhile at with Ethan and Grace "You know I worry for Ben" said Grace "Why's that?" Asked Ethan "He's been acting different latley, he was late all this summer to our get togethers and he's been acting more weirdly,weirder than usual" Just then the Lizard broke through the wall of the fast food place they were at. Ben was shortly behind him "Oh no...Grace and Ethan" Ben said to himself. Ben swing kicked Lizard into the wall. "Everyone out, now!" Ben yelled lizard punched him into a table. Lizard looked at Grace and grabbed her with his tail "Ethan!" She yelled out "Grace!" Ben got up and saw Lizard escaping with Grace "No Grace!" He thought to himself. Lizard crawled up a building. Ben crawled quickly after him "Connors don't do it! You're gonna hurt an innocent person!" Lizard was ready to throw Grace off the building when suddenly his voice changed to Dr.Connors "Help....Me....He's......controlling....me...AGGHHH!" He threw Grace off the building, Ben jumped off the side of the building as police arrived. He caught Grace and swung her down to safety next to her father police chief Carson Perryman. Ben looked up to see that Lizard had vanished. "You're under arrest Spiderman!" Carson pointed his gun at him "Hey! He saved me dad!" Grace stood in front of the gun "He's still a criminal". Ben web pulled Carson's gun to the floor and swung away. Grace looked at Ben swing away while her father looked at him angrily.

Ben swung far away and then pulled out his phone to call Grace. She answered "Oh my god Grace are you okay?" Asked Ben "Yeah I'm fine thanks to Spiderman." Ben landed ontop of a building "That's great, what about Ethan?" He asked "He's fine. Look Ben I have to go but.." She cut herself off "But what?" Asked Ben "But I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked "Yeah, bye Grace" He hung up. Ben took looked out into the city "Dr.Connors was being controlled but by who? I have to find out. Maybe there's some information on his phone left." Ben looked up "There's got to be more to this. I'll find out one way or another. Because I am Spider-Man"

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