chapter 2

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Michelle pov

me an my sister were going back to our hotel when Eric Carr an Eric Singer asked us if we wanted to walk around the city for a while an i could not help but to look an Eric Carr he is so good looking an i sawmy sister looking at Eric Singer we then went back to our hotel an this time i locked the bathroom door when my sister said to me Michelle Eric Carr an Eric Singer are here " good thing i locked the bathroom door then " an i heard them laughing . later me an my sister went to look over our rig's when we heard the guy's an saw them coming i was under the hood of my rig running fox an i saw my sister was under the hood of her rig panter when i looked up an saw the band standing in front of our rig's i then hoped down an walked over to them " what up " we just came to see how you two are doing Tommy said.

i then went back to checking over my rig when i heard sister can you come here please " what wrong sister " this an i saw the belt that drive's the fan on the motor had broke where am i going to get a new one " hang on sister " the guy's were checking out my rig when i came over an opened the hiden comparment an pulled out a new belt for my sister rig  while i was under the hood of my sister rig putting the new belt on i felt someone hand's on my bottom. so i kicked who ever it was then i heard ouch an i turned an saw it was Eric Carr " oh my god am so sorry Eric Carr i did not know you were behinde me "it my faulte he said then Gene asked it kind of hard to see who is behinde you when you are under the hood of your rig's that is right Gene Simmon's when me our my sister are under the hood's of our rig's we can not see behind us.

after i got the belt on my sister rig we go in our rig's an Eric Carr climed up an sat beside me an i saw Eric Singer clime up into my sister rig while Paul, Gene an Tommy got in the limo i put my rig in gear an pulled out an soon my sister followed with the guy's in the limo in front of us while i was driving i saw Eric Carr just looking at me i then had to slam on my break's because i saw someone hite a little red tail fox an grebbed a blanket an picked the little fox up my sister an Eric Singer came running why did you slam on your air break's sister. " because of this little guy " an i showed them the  little red tail fox an i saw my sister smile an i handed the hurt little fox to Eric an we climed back up into my rig an my sister an Eric Singer climed back up into her rig an we set off once again  to pick up the trailer's an when we got there i saw Paul, Gene an Tommy waiting what took you two so long Gene said an i went a round to the other side of my rig an Eric Carr handed me the hurt little fox an he hopped down an i turned an they saw the reason in my arm's.

Stephanie pov

when i saw my sister slam on her air break's an jump out of her rig i know something was wrong so me an Eric Singer got out an ran to my sister rig running fox when i see her an Eric Carr pick up a hurt little red tail fox kitti had to smile then we all go back in our rig's an went to get the trailer's when we got to were the trailer's i saw my sister an Eric Carr with Paul, Gene an Tommy . then i heard what took you two so long Gene said an i walked over to my sister an said Michelle stopped to save this little red tail Fox so back off Gene Simmon's an i saw that Paul an Tommy were trying not to laugh at him then me an my sister went to hook up the trailer's wow Stephanie Eric Singer said you can do this with out looking lot's of practice's Eric Singer then i got out an saw my sister was hooking up her trailer to an we smiled at each other " i think Eric Singer like's  you sister " an i think Eric Carr like's you two sister .

me  an my sister were busy hooking up the trailer's when we both heard where are the two truck driving sister's like we will tell you " that Eric Carr " i then saw my sister go to her rig an grab her sword an we went to find the band an we saw two men an we looked at them " it our ex boyfriend's " let's get them sister Paul, Gene, Tommy, Eric Singer an Eric Carr saw us behinde the two men an my sister whistled an they turned an they saw she had her sword out ." LEAVE OUR THEM ALONE YOU TWO OR YOU WILL BE TAKING A DIRT NAP FOR GOOD IF YOU DO NOT LEAVE AN NOW " our ex boyfriend's were scared for my sister had her sword's tip right at her ex boyfriend's throat an they ran away wow Paul said you two can be scary when you need to be that mostly my sister her Paul  an the sword was our father's an he gave it to my sister since she is older then me so he gave it to her i saw my sister put the sword back in it holder .

i saw my sister clime up in her rig to check on the hurt little fox that is is the bed in the back of the cab of her rig so i climed up an helped her while Paul, Gene, Tommy, Eric Singer an Eric Carr all talked about something to do with the band " his back leg is broken sister " we have to find something we can use as a cast  out of we both climed down an went looking for something to make a cast out of while we were looking Paul, Gene, Tommy, Eric Singer an Eric Carr are woundring what we are doing sis i found some plastic pipe we can cut. " great sister " i saw my sister pull out her knife an cut the plastic pipr in half then both Eric Carr an Eric Singer walked over to us what are you two doing you will see i said to them i then went an got some cotten to put around the hurt little fox leg an hald the make shift cast as my sister wrapped an ace bandage around it while Paul, Gene, Tommy, Eric Singer an Eric Carr watched us work how did you two know to do that " this is not our first time dealing with a hurt animal Tommy ".

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