I whimpered in defeat and annoyance, attempting to shake him off. This earned me a painful bite on the shoulder, making me yelp.

You will attend dinner with Brett and myself tomorrow night. And if you don't I will go to the Elders and have them assign you to my pack, he threatened. Or I'll ruin your other eye.

My whole body tensed. Both threats were equally terrifying. But without at least one good eye, I was as good as dead. I sighed deeply, shutting my eyes. Please stop biting me, was all I replied.

Do you agree to dinner?

Fine. But I can't pay-

You never were going to. I never let my date pay.

I knew he was teasing me, but this didn't stop me from bristling angrily. I am not your date, you disgusting pig!

This guy must have mood swings, because once again his jaws locked around my throat. Suddenly something dropped in front of my face, spraying dust on me. A pile of clothing. My clothing - the ones I had left hiding in a bush for when I finished my run. I glanced up to see a wolf similar to my size standing over me, mouth open with tongue hanging out lazily. Brett.

They had cornered me. I growled up at him. I'm going to tear your balls off, I promised him.

The Alpha stepped off of me, and I immediately jumped up to run, my tail getting caught in Brett's mouth. Wait, you didn't even introduce yourself! Brett objected.

I bounced to nip at his shoulder in retaliation to the tail biting, but the Alpha stepped protectively in front of his pack member, hissing at me. The Alpha shifted quickly, standing tall - and naked - and reaching out to touch me.

"I'm Alpha Leo. Nice to meet you, little one," he greeted.

And then I was running, leaving my clothes with the two strangers.

~ ~ ~

I glared as Brett happily strolled up to my apartment, my arms crossed over my chest. "I'm always so welcomed by your warm, gentle persona," he said to me. "You look nice."

I was in a pair of neat jeans and a long sleeved black blouse that reached below my bum, my sunglasses on and hair hanging into my face. Plus my gloves were on. He frowned when he saw them. "You don't need to wear those."

"Just take me to this stupid dinner and bring me back," I spat. "Don't tell me what I can and can't do."

He held his hands up defensively before motioning to the backseat of his car. "You and Alpha Leo were a crack up yesterday."

"How did you find me anyways?"

Brett grinned. "Easy. Your scent is strong. We just followed behind you by like fifteen minutes."

"That is not fair. You can't just do that to someone," I snapped. "You cornered me. And I'm still going to rip your balls off."

Brett shrugged carelessly, grinning when the door to his car opened by itself. A beautiful, tall girl got out and made an excited noise at the sight of me. "You must be Adelaide!" she gushed, running up and opening her arms for a hug.

Instinctively, I stepped back. "I'm not a hugger," I told her quickly, apologetically, as her face fell. "Yes, I'm Adelaide. You are?"

"This is Emerson, my mate," Brett claimed, gazing proudly at the woman beside him. "She's my date for dinner."

My eyes narrowed at that comment as I shook Emerson's soft, pale hand. She had long blonde hair that was softly curled. She had on black leggings with a black and white striped top with brown ankle boots. "Date? This is a date for you?"

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