"She's in there. Go on." He said as he walked past her, and to his tent where he looked around and sighed. 

He heard footsteps outside of the tent, but it was only his son, Anthony. Anthony opened the tent door and looked at Shane.

"I need a knife." Anthony said, holding out his hand so he could take one. 

Shane looked up at him and gave him a stern look before reaching over to a small box. 

"You gotta know the responsibilities and--" Shane began to talk but was cut off by Anthony.

"I know how to use one, dad. I don't need a talk." Anthony said as he watched his hand move to the box.

Shane looked up at him. "Just be careful with it." He said as he put one into Anthony's hands. "And here..." Shane grabbed another one. "Give one to your brother too."

Anthony nodded again before walking out of the tent.

He walked over to the campfire where Ethan and Adam were talking. Adam just nodded to what Ethan said. Ethan never stopped talking, he just went on and on.

"..but I think it's mostly because of science. I mean, what else could it have been? Food?" Ethan went on, explaining how he thought the beginning of the apocalypse started. 

"Yeah. That's true." Adam said, glancing up at Anthony. "Did you get one?"

Anthony gave a quick nod before holding out the one that Shane wanted him to give.

"For me?" Adam looked up at Anthony, a little surprised.

Ethan's eyes widened. "Sweet. You guys are lucky. My mom would never give me one. She's too scared that I'll trip and hurt myself, or some shit like that." He sighed a bit.

"Speaking of your mom.." Anthony sat across from them. "I think somethin's goin' on between my dad and her." 

Ethan rose an eyebrow at Anthony. "Really? I've seen them hang around a lot but.." 

"I'd believe it." Adam said before taking a small piece of wood, and starting to cut it.

Shane walked toward the campfire. "Speaking of the devil.." Ethan said as he looked up at Shane.

Shane looked at both Anthony and Adam. 

"You two stay around, alright? I don't want you leavin' camp, or goin' in the woods. Y'hear?" He said as he looked at both Adam and Anthony. 

"Sure." Adam said before leaning back on the chair.

"You too Ethan. Stay close." Shane said before walking off toward the woods.

Anthony scoffed. "He should take his own advice." 

Adam rose an eyebrow and laughed a bit. "I think he could take it."

Ethan nodded. "That he could."

Nick, Ethan and Mikaela's brother walked over. "I see y'got more toys?"

"If that's what you wanna call it." Anthony said while focusing on the knife.

Ethan looked up at Nick. "We should get knives. We could use them."

"You think mom would actually let us get knives? Are you sane?" Nick laughed a bit as he looked at Ethan. "Unless Shane could talk to her."

"He might. Just ask him." Adam said as he looked up from the knife.

Nick nodded a bit. Anthony looked up to see Mikaela walking out of the tent, Lori following her.

"Ethan, Nick, I want you to keep an eye on your sister." Lori said as she picked up a bucket. 

They both nodded as Mikaela walked off. Lori walked to the front of the RV.

"Dale, I'm headed out for a bit." Lori said up to him. 

"Stay close. If you see anything, holler. I'll come runnin'." Dale said with concern. 

Lori chuckled a bit, and nodded with a smile. "Yes mom."

She walked into the woods, noticing Shane's footprints from his boots. She followed them into the woods, but they soon became unreadable. She kept walking, and leaned down to pick up a mushroom. She then continued to walk, when she heard a branch snap. She turned her head quickly, and looked around. Nothing. She started to walk again, turning around before her mouth was quickly covered and she was brought to the ground. She then opened her eyes to see Shane covering her mouth, looking into her eyes.

"Shh.." He said quietly to her.

She smiled and laughed as she hit him gently. "You scared the shit out of me."

Shane laughed as he covered her body with his. "That's what you get for keepin' me waiting. Where you been?"

"Amy the mushroom queen."

He moved his lips down to hers, kissing her passionately. He brought her up so she was facing his belt. She smirked and moved her hands to untie it. 

"How much time we got?" He asked, as he began to unbutton his shirt. 

She pulled his belt out and placed it next to her. "Enough."

He quickly got out of his pants and put them to the side before moving down and licking her stomach. She let out soft moans and ran her hands through his hair. She then quickly took her top off, and looked at the locket that was on her neck. A small heart with a wedding ring. Rick's wedding ring. Shane looked at the ring, and then into Lori's eyes. She then took off her necklace slowly, and placed it to the side before pausing for a second, then going back to kiss Shane's lips. He then pulled away and entered her, moaning a little bit as he did. She let out moans before he stopped and flipped her over and began to thrust into her. 

No regrets, Shane thought. 

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