wrecking ball (Requested)

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"Why don't you ever listen to me?!" He shrieked as his lips were pulled tight and his jaw locked, his eyes popping out at you. "How many times do I have to tell you to get you to believe me? Those girls out there don't mean anything to me, you're the one that I love!"

"Oh yeah, that's why you go around letting them grope you and flirt with them, because you 'love' me!" You sarcastically quoted the word love as it came out of your mouth, screaming back at him.

"It's not like as if I enjoy it. I have to bare it because that's what's expected. Baby, listen to me...they could try and charm their way into my life but I know that's not going to happen. Because I have you. My heart is set on you and only you, please we've had this conversation a thousand times before."

"Then stop doing it a thousand times!" You snapped. "It's my job to perform for people, I thought out of all people, you would have supported me on that!" Justin roared at you, as his veins on his neck began to bulge out.

"I do! But prancing around with a bunch of models and actresses who are more to your liking, then no."

"Tough, sooner or later you're going to have to live with it." Venom leaked from his lips as is he just stabbed you in the chest.

You yelled obscenities left, right and centre at him, making him feel like your relationship was all for nothing. Like as if nothing beautiful could ever come out from it - it left distaste in your mouth that you knew you were going to regret once you had calmed down and thought about it. But in the heat of the moment you had no reason to feel remorse towards anything you had slapped in his face. He also said spiteful things to you and let his anger take control. Throwing anything and everything in your way as you two battled it out like as if it were a game.

"Well then if you put it like that...we're over!"

You stormed out of the room and went outside towards your car. Slamming the door shut you noticed the tears that had slipped down your cheeks, quickly wiping them away you saw someone down the street holding a camera.Paparazzi. You grabbed your sunglasses from glove compartment and pressed them up against your face. Running your fingers through your hair and taking a deep breath you started up your engine and began to move away.

Racing down the streets of LA - stopping over at the store because you knew you were going to be in need of junk food - you made it back to your apartment and threw yourself onto the sofa. Crying your eyes out because you had just ended a 3 year relationship with the guy who understood you the most, who loved you the most, cared about you and cherished you like a prized possession.

I've ruined everything.

Why couldn't I just keep my big mouth shut?

I'm such an idiot.

He'll just go off and get with one of those models at the show and I won't exactly find it a piece of cake to move on.

He was the only one that bothered to break down my walls and now I've gone and messed it all up.

Weeks went by and you had no contact at all from Justin and you didn't contact him. You were going to call but bailed out on the last minute. You couldn't bare hearing his voice after the awful things you had said to each other.

Today you were going to go pick up your cousin Isaac from school. You thought you should keep yourself busy so that you wouldn't be pondering about everything that had happened a few weeks ago.

Isaac went to private school, his father was "well-off" enough and he was the only child so he would get the best and nothing less. You were early so you sat on one of the benches outside of the school and decided to wait until the bell rang. But fate had other plans.

Justin Bieber Imagines (part interracial)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu