pretty again. (interracial)

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*based off the song 😋 video above*

"Hello?" I answered after picking up a call from an unknown number. "Y/N?" Said the voice I never wanted to hear again. "Justin? Why are you calling me?" I asked, getting annoyed after only 30 seconds of being on the phone. "I just want to talk to you. Please meet me at our favorite cafe downtown. Please? I'm begging you." "Honestly Justin, I don't want to talk to you." I said getting ready to hang up. "Well if you change your mind, I'll be there at 8:30pm sharp. I love you Y/N, I really do." Justin said hanging up the phone.

I sighed looking at the time on my phone. 7:45. I guess this is the only chance I have to get the closure I deserve. I got up and did my hygienic routine and changed into something more sexy to make him wish he never cheated. I looked myself over in the mirror and smiled at the fact that I felt like I looked good.

*skips the car ride and allat*

I found a good spot in the parking lot and got out the car. Making my way towards the diner, I spotted Justin sitting at one of the outside tables looking at his phone. He had a sorrowful look on his face and looked as if he hadn't slept in ages. Walking over to the table, I sat down across from him and prepared for him to speak. "Hi Y/N" he said smiling a little. It was good to see a little smile on his face but it hurt because I know that even being with the person I love the most, I can never smile like that again. "Hi Justin." I muttered, playing with my fingers. "So all I wanted to say was that I'm sorry. You told me before you left that you don't feel pretty anymore and I just want to change that. I'd do anything to make you feel pretty again. I know I was wrong and I know this isn't the first time but can you give me another chance to re-" I cut him off with my hand. "How dare you even try Justin?" "I'm sor-" "you're not sorry. If you were sorry then you wouldn't of did it again." "Please Y/N" he begged. "No. I'd do anything to make myself feel pretty again cause you scarred me and made me forget that I was pretty within. My friends told me I shouldn't left yo ass that first time you cheated. I swear I should've listened cause guess what? YOU DID IT AGAIN. What is it? Is it cause I ain't fit like these other bitches? Sorry I ain't perfect and thick like these other bitches but I did everything for you that the others didn't. I was even there for you when your family was acting different but I still got cheated on. I guess I wasn't pretty enough. Is it cause she had bigger tits and a Brazilian butt? I was already insecure now I just feel shitty as fuck. You got me looking in the mirror tryna analyze my figure, telling myself I'll never be good enough for no man so I love no man. You know why I don't trust no man? Cause even my father left my life I couldn't trust my own mans." I paused letting myself recover from my sobs.

"But you? I cared for you. I was always there for you and when your life was looking bold I was always here for you. I shed a couple tears for you and made a couple prayers for you hoping you would change one day. But nah, you never did and you never will you just love getting around like a Ferris wheel. You kept destroying my self esteem like you ain't care how I feel. How did you find these bitches anyway? What's the big deal? I completely changed from that shit. My heart's cold now and you're the one to blame for it. I promise I'll be trained for my next relationship cause now I'm acting like a nigga so I don't get played like a bitch." I spat at him. Tears streaming down my face.

"But we can fix this baby" Justin tried. "Nah sorry, It's too late for that shit. I lost myself. I've been smoking more and drinking again. Started partying every night and randomly sleeping with men cause I just want to fucking feel pretty again." I finished. Sobbing, I got up and left Justin sitting at the table with tears running down his face. He hurt me. He deserves to know how I feel.
Guys I haven't updated in forever. I'm so sorry about that ❣😩 but I'm back and I know this imagine sucked assballs but I had to give you guys something. Love you guys.
~ Akayla ❣

Justin Bieber Imagines (part interracial)Where stories live. Discover now