you deserve me.

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Alcohol was all around us tonight and we were of course indulging in it. Tonight, Justin's seventh album went triple platinum and we are all so happy for him.

Everyone that Justin knew was in the building congratulating him on this

honor. Everyone except the one person who was supposed to be here.

His very on and off girlfriend was nowhere to be found. For the first two hours Justin wasn't bothered by it but after some more time passed, I could see the irritation on his face increasing.

When does the cycle stop with these two? Don't they know they're toxic for each other? Meaning that they are in no way shape or form good for one another. They bring out the worst in each other and it's unbelievable how many times they've argued, broken up, had sex and repeated it.

It was the same damn routine. Different day, same bullshit type of routine. I cared for Justin. I wanted him to learn how to rely on himself when it came to being happy. Justin didn't need to depend on someone else to do it for him.

The four margaritas and two jäger bombs that I downed were getting to me. I really should have went with Fredo and Ryan to In and Out before the party. With no food in my stomach and a copious amount of alcohol burning through my system, my liquid courage was at a definite high tonight.

I left a couple of executives who I used to work with when I was at Sony Records in the kitchen and walked over to the group of people I loved.

Fredo, Ryan, Scrappy, Scooter and Kenny were all sitting around the fireplace talking.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Are you drunk?" Fredo asked.

"What? Pft no." I took a sip of my ice cold beer.

"You got that far away look in your eyes. You're definitely drunk." Ryan added.

"Whatever, where's Justin?"

"He's outside on the Terrance, talking on the phone." Scooter pointed to his left.

"Well boys this has been a very fascinating conversation but I should be going." I carefully rose from the couch, making sure I didn't fall back or look like I was intoxicated. It's the worst thing when you're the person who can't handle their liquor.

When I approached the french style doors, I could see Justin with the phone practically glued to his ear.

I quietly opened the door and closed it behind me. Justin turned around quickly but saw that it was me and smiled. He hung up his phone shortly after.

"Why aren't you enjoying your party Justin?" I pouted.

"I was just seeing if she was going to make it."

"And?" I looked up from the ground.

"She's not coming. Told me that since we aren't together then she's not "obligated" to come." Justin said with an edge to his voice.

Who the fuck says that? I could see he was hurt from his conversation with her. The main thing Justin lacked was independence.

He hated being alone and didn't know how to be. He thrived off of having people around him.

When the Believe tour ended it was bittersweet for him. He loved being able to perform for his fans every night and it was fun for him. How many twenty year olds performed for hundreds of thousands of adoring fans as a career? It's one in a million chance, trust me. However the silence was the bitter part of the tour ending. He was so used to having girls scream his name and professions of their love to him 24/7.

Justin Bieber Imagines (part interracial)Where stories live. Discover now