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Things have simmered down for the time being but there is always something brewing, ready to be unleashed. However, you stick by him no matter what because he needs you and even though you hate to admit it because you consider yourself independent, you need him too.
He brings out the crazy side of you that has never been at the forefront. You absolutely enjoy his impulsiveness because it always brings fun times. Although you tend to think things through more than he does, you find that acting on your first instinct helps a lot. You've rubbed off on him as well. He's started to think things through and make sure that what he does is entirely what he wants.
People called you crazy for dating him when everything was so chaotic but you liked him. You liked being around him and how he made you feel. Justin was good to you and still is. You stuck with him through all of the rumors and hate because you loved him. More importantly you believed in him and you knew that he would pull through.
The first time you told him that you loved him was an accident. You hadn't planned on saying it right then and there. When is the right time to say it? No one ever knows really, you just feel it.
You were making cookies for your weekly movie night when Justin came into the kitchen. He gave you a kiss on the lips and you two began joking around with each other.
"Take it back." Justin demands with a smile on his face.
"No." You proudly say.
He looks around before his eyes zero in on the flour that is behind you on the counter. He grabs a handful and shows it to you.
"If you don't take it back then I will-."
You glare at him, "You wouldn't?"
He smirks, "Come on this is me who you're talking about."
You cross your arms over your chest, "Well I'm not taking it back."
He shrugs, "Suit yourself."
Your vision is clouded with the white powder before you could move.
"Really Justin?!?!" You yell.
He just laughs not even noticing that you grabbed the bowl of eggs that you had just whisked. You pour the eggs all over him and he stands there in shock.
"You really shouldn't have done that babe." He grabs whatever he can and starts towards you.
Twenty minutes later both of you are laying on the ground, holding your stomachs in because all the laughing is hurting both of you. His hair soaked in eggs and butter while your entire body is covered in flour and ketchup.
"You're a dork but I love you." You hadn't realized that those three words slipped out but Justin heard them loud and clear.
"What?" His eyes are opened wide with shock.
"You're a dork but I love you." You repeated. You knew that he'd heard it but you wanted to make sure that he knew that what you said was in fact true.
Before you can react, he's all over you.
"Jus-Justin. You stink." You try to push him off of you but he just pushes down further.
"So? The girl that I'm in love with just told me she loves me. I could care less if I stink." He smiles.
The eggs were starting to stink so much that it made you gag so you finally got him to get off of you.
"Let's go take a shower." You say as you start walking backwards towards the stairs.
Justin hurries to you, "Man I love you so much."
Cookies and a movie would have to wait.
Justin shakes your shoulder and you're brought back to the present.
"Come on babe. I have to get to the stage."
He's so excited even though he's only performing one song. He wanted to get back out there, show people that whatever he's going through won't break him and it won't define him. When he asked your opinion, you were skeptical at first because people always lived up to the expectation of them being assholes and even if Justin is a man it didn't mean that you didn't want to protect him. However, you thought why not?! He loves music and performing and he shouldn't let others take that away.
Justin, You, Za and two of his bodyguards ride on a golf cart to the main stage. Justin was talking your ear off and you realized that he was anxious.
"Don't worry about what others think. You're happy right?" He nodded.
"Alright then. Just go out there and have fun. I'll be waiting for you." You pull down the front of his hat covering his eyes. He laughs and swats your hand.
"You're the best. I love you." He says before he takes the mic a stage hand hands him.
"I love you too!" You shout as he runs out to the stage, he turns around quick and winks at you.
You're glad that for once he's completely happy and that you had a hand in making that happen.
Not Mine ‼️

Justin Bieber Imagines (part interracial)Where stories live. Discover now