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I sat on Amethire who’s flying towards the dragons: one green with a female on her, another one yellow with a big beast thing on it and the last one a brown dragon with a very short guy on it. ‘What should we do Claire, it’s too late to turn back now, and shall we just fly on or stop and talk?’ I climbed down onto her leg and held onto her saddle with my other hand blocking out the sun.

Why don’t we just go over and talk, that is if they speak the same language of course? Though I am a bit worried about that thing, I thought back to her.

“Hello, I’m Arya you must be one of the new dragon riders Eragon sent over,” the woman on the green dragon said, “though I don’t understand why he didn’t tell me,” she mumbled immediately after.

Amethire do you think we can trust them?

I assume so I mean even if we can’t were outnumbered and you have no idea what their capabilities are. There’s a weird monster thing there you have no idea how fast he is because you already know he’s strong. And it’s obvious that were not on earth on anymore.

Right… well there’s no point in staying up in the air then because we won’t be able to hear them or them us and we may as well find out where the heck we are and whether or not if we want to stay here, I mean there are other dragons here maybe we can get along with each other…. Ouch what was that concentrate on snow it’s like something is trying to get in our mind?

It’s stopped now I may as well fly to the ground I see land up ahead so I’ll land there. The dragons are following us so maybe they realise our attentions.

We flew towards the stretch of land with me back in the saddle, we gently landed on the ground and I got out and turned around ready to see the other three land. The raven black haired woman stalked toward me her dragon not too far behind. The other two a short man who resembles that of a dwarf, and this thing was greyish in colour had thick arms, a pair of twisted horns atop his head and now that he was standing he towered over my 5”9 with a few feet to spare. The woman took a step forward which was when I realised she has pointed ears much like an elf does in films and books.

“As I said earlier I’m Arya Queen of the elves and this is my dragon Firnen,” she said and her dragon gave a nod and settled down. “Who are you and do you know why Eragon hasn’t sent a message to tell me about your arrival.”

I looked towards her as I glanced uncertainly towards the grey thing with horns. “My name is Claire Ice and this is my dragon Amethire, and I don’t know of whom, you’re talking about.”

The three looked at each other and it was the dwarf who said, “where did you come from then if not the new world, and how did you get here,” he asked a bit suspiciously.

I looked towards Amethire and said what do you think I should say to them, hell I don’t even know what happened myself.

She replied with Just tell them what happened that we were flying and next thing we knew we saw you three in front of us. It’s just whether or not they’ll believe what I have to say, I mean I wouldn’t if I was them.

Looking towards the elf as she seemed to be the leader of the three I said “I have no idea of how I got here. We were flying together, back on earth, and it was starting to get really foggy and we had trouble seeing. Then I found myself unconscious for a few moments, and woke up to see three dragons with their riders in front of me.” I glanced at Amethire and she nodded saying that’s how it went her end too. The three riders glanced at me then at each other almost as they’re having a silent conversation.

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