Collecting a stone:

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Collecting a stone

I did a bit of research on both Peebles and Kilmarnock as being honest I didn't know a thing on them after all a spies not a spy, if they don't know a thing about the place they are going. Unless you’re doing a blinded mission chosen by the agency, but they're just horrid. The fact you’re in a moving truck or van in pure blackness with nothing but your ears to rely on. Another thing about the blinded missions is they normally have the most reckless drivers ever and you don't have seatbelts or anything so you’re flung about everywhere. I've known people to have seriously broken their bones one time someone even had a neck cast put on them - the only good thing it was the return journey that, that person had gotten hurt in.

Peebles as a place sounded nice quite in the countryside and out of the way of the two wars that happened about a century ago. No damage from the raid of Germany, but then again its a market town so what do you expect. But then again it hasn't been completely kept from the weather. In 1195, a church tower was built with the name of the church being Saint Andrew; King Henry VIII destroyed this. A second church was built in 1261 called Cross Kirk this is in ruins but is a helpful factor to the festival each year. This festival involves a local girl being crowned the Beltane Queen for a year. To think that Tide would hide the egg in a place where there’s a weeklong festival is quite smart, I even considered giving Ocean an annominus tip. But hell I'm never that nice and I don't want to share my prize, though I'm going to have to share it when I get back home.

Kilmarnock on the other hand is a completely different place, or should I say city. The place is most known by the first Robert burns book later known as the Kilmarnock Edition. The other thing that makes the city popular is the Johnnie Walker's whisky brand which has been announced as closing after 192 years of service. In recent years the place has been recognised by its musical acts and film productions. Sandbed Street Bridge is the oldest known surviving bridge in the area. So it makes sense why Tide would use this as the 'pretend place', there would be many building to hide the stone in such as the unused walkers factory for the wine.

Now anyone else would go straight to Peebles but that would be hard and would take to long. First you'd have to find a rounded stone which is quite easy to do, get all the pentagon shapes on the stone is a little harder, but all I’ll have to do is get a mini pickaxe and bash the stone a few times. Next is to get the correct colour of paint to cover the stone which is a bit more difficult and using the right shades of paint and then painting the stone. Once the paint dries which could take up to three days because of the amount of dips and bumps on the stone due to the pick-axe, then I would have to get a shine cover/protector (like varnish for wood- not sure it exists but it probably does), wait for that to dry then direct some radiation or some kind of energy onto the stone to absorb so that it isn't powerless. Lastly I'll have to find and swap the stones. Although I could probably do this in two weeks I just don't have that amount of time to spend on this, at the most I'll have a week to get the stone before Tide manages to use it or break it open. So instead of doing the nice easy careful thing I get to do the dangerous thing and steal two stones, swap two stones and bash a stone. Fun.

The plan is to go find the fake stone in Kilmarnock, on the way find an oval like shaped stone and get a pickaxe to get all the ditches and not bother about the colour as long as it weighs the same, it sound be alright. Then travel back to Peebles and swap them around and travel back to Haltwhistle, which is where I decided to live. I mean I get enough of action just doing my job let alone live the stress of a life in a city.

I travelled back to my home, which took just over an hour, and went to sleep after doing the normal night stuff. The next morning I had a shower to wash out the die in my hair and to take the makeup off my face. I decided to go to Kilmarnock on my motorbike, as it would be quicker and be easier if I have to do a getaway. I drove through many country lanes giving a few waves here and there to the villagers who knew I had a bike, just to give a preview it looks like a normal bike with the colours dark blue and black adorned on the side and on the helmet with a blackened view glass. I was travailing at sixty miles and hours on the dot, all the way to Kilmarnock in the end, it only took me an hour and a half to get there but that was more because I brought a purple stone in the middle of a home store. Then I went to an abandoned building that my agency still owned I rang up on the way there saying I'm using it briefly and to see if anyone was there, which there wasn't, thankfully. I used a star screwdriver in the end, to make many dents in the stone. It worked quite well if I do say so myself.

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