Don't waste time unless you're wasting it well

Start from the beginning

Come we can show you the way back to her house. Vivian spoke up to the group  we can take you there.

I think there might be a faster way than walking James said with a smirk on his face how about we fly.

The winx nodded, Flora grabbed Jessica's hand as prepared for flight, as Musa grabbed Vivian's hand, and Stella grabbed Sabrina's hand.

James transformed into him girl form and from his girl form into enchantix and held Frieda close to her. She turned around to see the winx in shock. Oh.... right..... I didn't tell you did I? When she received no answer she sighed. It's a long story I'll tell you when we get to Frieda's house. Lead the way girls she said as they took off heading for Frieda's house.

That's it right down there, Jessica said as she pointed to the house.

The winx gracefully landed on the sidewalk and transformed back to normal. As for James he turned back into his boy form with the winx still staring at him as if the impossible had just become possible right in front of them.

Flora rang the bell to to the house. Within seconds the door was opened and there stood the youngest of the family Rebbeca shyly looking at the several people at her doorstep.

Um... hi! Rebbeca said trying to hide her shyness. Frieda's not home right now.

Yes we know James said making his way to the door with Frieda still in his arms.

The young girl caught a glimpse of her sister and threw the door fully opened, well why didn't you say so she said as she rushed the boy into the house. Go figure after all the stories she tells us I've never truly believed she give herself up for a friend but go figure. Frieda and her braveness always has to go and save the day. Well you coming in or not she said turning to the Winx.

The winx look as the girl if she where crazy. Yet Flora walked in despite what her friends thought, last time she waited for the approval it lead to this. Slowly after flora walked in the rest of the winx followed.

Do me a favor and one of you close the door behind you Rebbeca screamed from a different room. So what crazy thing did my sister do this time she asked as she turned towards James.

Well, I don't really know the full story but those three do, James answered pointing to Frieda's human friends.

Jessica, Rebbeca said turning to the only sane one in that group and asked what happened?

Frieda took us to the docks for a picnic and she told us the truth, me being the stubborn person I am didn't believe her until she showed me her fairy transformation after we said we believed her she went into some sort of trance then those three wizards grabbed us and the fourth stood in front of Frieda he threatened her with us so Frieda didn't attack he pushed her against the wall he suddenly had a lot of anger in his eyes he immediately ripped off Frieda's left wing causing her to scream but we couldn't do anything about it, he then started to slowly rip off her right wing causing her more pain the wizards holding us where confused as they had no idea what he was doing once he fully ripped the wing off James here showed up and gave him a good punch in the face and then we came here Jessica explained.

Those stupid wizards I never did like them the young girl growled. What about her wings, they can be fixed, right Rebbeca asked hopefully.

Afraid not, Flora answered. If it as done with dark magic then probably but he physically ripped them off and no magic can undo that.

Rebbeca took her sisters hand and held on. At least tell me she'll be okay.

She will be Aisha said sitting down beside the young girl, she's just in a lot of pain and she needs to heal and it's easier for her body to heal when asleep rather than awake.

Rebbeca nodded at the girls words yet refused to move from her spot near her sister.

Hon Flora said gently we need you to move, just to make sure everything else is okay.

Rebbeca looked hesitant but she knew they just wanted to help, she moved away letting her sisters friends crowd her.

We have to wake her if she stays in this stage any longer she might miss the time for the rainbow and we all know if she misses it, it's no good for us Tecna explained. I think it's best for us to do a heal convergence.

The other girls agreed linking hands they focusing their energy to heal Frieda. Immediately color returned to Frieda's face.

Frieda's eyes snapped open. Around her people crowded her. Her back hurt, she reached to touch where the pain was. Finally her vision came into sight and saw her friends in front of her. She was about to ask a question when she felt her sister pull her into a hug. What exactly happened Frieda asked turning towards her friends I don't really remember and why does my back hurt so much.

Frieda.... Flora began softly, Ogron well he.... he ripped off your wings.

Frieda looked at the girl, hilarious Flora; I've known Ogron all my life he would never. Despite the fact that we're different he cares for me truly like a sister. He wouldn't.... he wouldn't.

He did, Jessica said to her friend.

This is absurd he wouldn't, he'd never. But even as Frieda said the words she knew it was wrong, but she didn't want to believe it, she didn't. Yet when she transformed sure enough there where no wings on her back. She couldn't believe, she couldn't. Yet it was true. Tears streamed down the fairy's face as she held herself close. Frieda felt so vulnerable, her own brother, her own brother! Tears came down faster.

The winx looked at each other, if only they hadn't spent those three minutes debating, if only.

Well I just did that. I still can't believe I just did that. I kinda feel bad yet I can't feel bad for my characters or else this would go no where. Please no one be made at me.

Alright now time for.


Q: Can you speak Spanish?

A: a little, not really. I kinda know it but not that well.

But any ways guys that is all for this week

I hope you guys have enjoyed and if you did smash that star

Don't forget to comment down below what you guys thought I love hearing what you guys have to say

And I'll see ya all next time :)


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