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Dear Diary,

The author writing this diary of mine sucks ass. Yeah

I broke the fourth wall. What are you f*cking do about it? Nothing.

That's right.

Now let's pretend that never happened. Let me talk about today. Today really was Friday the 13th. It started off the worst possible way ever. When I woke up, Yuuri was sitting at the edge of my bed with a gloomy face. Usually, he's smiling, but this face scared the hell out of me. He had eye bags and his frown was sad. Reaaaaal sad. 

Then, when he gave me his explanation...I'm sure even the whole world would be shocked. EVEN I WAS SHOCKED!

Yuuri: Victor and I got into an argument. 

Me: ...*stares* What?

Yuuri: *looks down* I'm leaving back to Japan. 

Me: Wait, why?! You two have never got into a fight!

At first, the thought of them arguing with each other sounded like music to my ears. Yet, now as it's actually happening...I don't want it to happen? What's gotten into me?

Yuuri: *hugs me* Take care of yourself...and take care of Victoria for me. I'll see you soon.

He left the room just like that. It felt as if another person abandoned me. Another person to be added to that list. 

A few hours later, Victor came into my room looking for Yuuri. He was in tears. Otabek came in after him, with a gloomy look on his face. It only got worse when he saw that I didn't 'help' Victor out. 

We also got into an argument.

Otabek: Sometimes your attitude gets in the way of things. Instead of being understandable you decide to just sit there with an attitude. *sighs*

Me: Well that's the way I am.

Otabek: You act so immature for your age.

Me: Well maybe if you want someone more mature, go date someone older! *throws phone* In fact go date that slut that kissed you! I'm starting to think it was on purpose. You probably enjoyed it!

He stayed silent.

Said a quick goodbye to me, and left the house. 

For possibly, forever.

Yurio's Diary//Otayuri//Where stories live. Discover now