"Imma go before your brothers chew my head off." I chuckled and nodded. He pecked my lips again before getting back in his car. I smiled walking inside the house. I went up to my room and went straight to sleep.

I had finished my classes for the day. Since I'm pregnant they don't let me be in classes all day so half my classes were online. I went up to Jordan's dorm and knocked on his door. He answered and smiled at me.

"You ready?" I nodded. He walked out and grabbed my hand.

"He's already here, so he's gonna take us back to his house." I nodded feeling slightly nervous. We went outside and walked toward a black SUV.

The windows were tinted so you couldn't see who was inside, but I already knew. Then the door open and Drizzy himself stepped out.

There weren't many people around to see him thank God. He flashed his beautiful smile at me.

"You must be Ana." I smiled and nodded. He pulled me into a hug that I instantly returned.

"Congratulations by the way." He smiled motioning to my stomach.

"Thank you." Jordan walked up to him.

"What's up man?" They did some type of bro hug.

"Yall hungry?" Drake asked.

"Yes." I responded. The guys chuckled and we got in the car. As we rode somewhere Drake made conversation.

"So boy or girl?"  He asked me.

"I don't know. I'll find out at the gender reveal party."

"Ooh, can I come?" He asked sounding like a little kid. I chuckled.

"I guess if you want to." He nodded.

"When is it?"

"This Saturday." He nodded doing something on his phone. Him and Jordan talked the rest of the ride. We pulled up to some small restaurant and his security led us inside.

We got seated in the back so attention won't be drawn. We talked to him and I told him about myself and vise versa.

When the food came I was more than happy to eat. Drake had his phone pointed toward me and started talking.

"When a pregnant woman sees food." I playfully glared at him and he laughed. Jordan shook his head.


After we hung out with Drake for a while, I went back home. We exchanged numbers and I even got a picture. I of course posted it.

"Bish, why didn't you tell me you knew Drake!?" Andrea laughed when I walked in. I chuckled.

"He's friends with Jordan, today's my first time meeting him."

"Well you're all over his snapchat."

"Do I look good?" She smacked her teeth and I laughed.

"It's a good thing Chris don't know about his baby, or else he'd have a fit." I rolled my eyes.

"Chris can kiss my ass." She chuckled.

I went upstairs and changed my clothes. I laid down in my bed and grabbed my laptop. I started face timing Maya. I smiled when her face popped up.

"Hi beautiful."

"Hey gorgeous. What's up?"

"Nothing. You finished packing yet?" She huffed.

"Just about. I should be there tomorrow night. How's my baby doing?" I chuckled and rubbed my stomach,

"Okay. He hasn't started kicking yet."

"He?" She questioned. I shrugged.

"It's better than calling my baby an it." She chuckled.

"Oh, why the hell was you on Drake's snapchat?" I rolled my eyes.

"He's friends with Jordan."

"Mmhm." I chuckled and shook my head. I talked to Maya for a while before saying bye and hanging up. Andrea came in my room playing one of Chris' old songs.

"Why are you playing music?"

"I wanna see if the baby will kick." She smiled holding the phone near my stomach.

"That's not gonna ha- oh shit." I scrunched up my face and held my stomach.

"What's wrong?" She asked panicked.

"The baby started moving." I chuckled. She gasped and placed her hands on my stomach.

I smiled when it happened again. She went on snapchat and started recording while the music was still playing.

"You can see his little feet." I said starting to tear up.

"Aww you crying Ana?" I wiped my eyes. She kissed my stomach and put her phone down.

"Can you sleep with me, I wanna cuddle." She chuckled and nodded. She turned the light off and got under the covers with me.

"Goodnight Drea."

"Goodnight Ana."

Chris Brown's Baby Mama {EDITED}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora