Chapter 23

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Wow guys. I can't believe it's been almost a year since I touched this book. I am so sorry for the long wait. In other news, your girl started college!!! And my work schedule didn't allow writing time. Thankfully, I quit so I can have more time for you guys! Aside from starting college and quitting my job, I will also be welcoming my new brother or sister around Christmas, and my niece or nephew next spring. So while I am prepping for the arrival of my new sibling and niece/nephew, I will try to write as much as I can in between schoolwork.

Moving on from my life, thank you guys so much for the 27k reads and over 1k votes. Let's shoot for 30k reads and 2k votes. Now for chapter 23 because I don't feel like having a riot on my hands.

Dedicated to @Cuteloveinterested just cuz. Enjoy!!
"She's fine, guys. She's just been overly stressed. She needed a few days away from school and work and you guys."

"Mrs. Packard, we haven't seen her in two weeks. She hasn't been to school, so she's falling behind. Her teacher can only do so much to save her job. She's not answering her phone. We're all worried about her. Especially after Asher told us about that major freak out she had." I heard Hazel's voice.

That psychotic episode was about the last thing I remember. The last thing I remember was the snake telling Ash I should probably talk to my parents about what I should do. My eyes fluttered up. I was in my room. I noticed my mother's and friends' voices were coming from outside my door. I tried opening my mouth to speak, but couldn't because my mouth was so dry.

I looked at my end table to see if there was any water, but all I saw was an empty glass. I lifted my already weak arm, and knocked it over. I heard my mom stop talking mid-sentence to make sure she heard something.

"Did you hear that?" I heard her ask.

"Sounded like glass breaking. Maybe it came from Mag's room. Was she awake when you were in there?" Chelsea asked.

"No. Other than being able to hear her heartbeat if you listen, and you actually watch her chest move, you can't really tell she's still alive."

"Go check on her!" I heard both twins scream in unison.

My bedroom door swung open. My mom and the twins were standing in the doorway. Mom rushed to my bedside, and ordered the twins to get a glass of water and the broom. Chelsea hurried back up with the water for me. My mom held the glass to my lips, and told me to drink slowly.

"Good." I coughed.

"What happened? I heard Hazel say no one's seen me in two weeks." I said slowly.

"Yeah. You started freaking out while you were at Asher's. He called, and told us you were scared. You came home, and fainted in the kitchen. Your father brought you upstairs, and you've been asleep ever since." Mom explained.

"I don't remember coming home."

"That's because your body was shutting down from not eating properly." I looked up at my window sill.

"I have to have a certain diet? You couldn't have told me that before?"

"It should've been in the book."

"I read that book cover to cover to cover. There was nothing in there about a specific diet."

"There wasn't?" I shook my head. "Oh my bad. I thought there was."

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