"I guess that's true" Madison said with a small shrug. She still wasn't so sure about it. This would take her whole family dynamic on a turn.

"What about your son" Jonathan said, "All boys need a strong male role model. Your son is at that age where is he starting to become a man. Brandon could be just the right person to teach him. Considering what we saw when we searched your family, your son could do with the help".

"What is that suppose to mean?" Madison asked her voice rising a little.

"You haven't seen it?" the man chuckled a little and tugged his fancy silver laptop out of his leather bag. He opened his computer and started a video.

Madison gasped as she watched a video of her son falling off the stage. There was kissing noises and bright red lips appearing across the screen. The jokes were made and everyone laughed. "The comments are worse" John scrolled through the comments t show the rude and mean comments.

Now she knew what he son was so focused on yesterday. He must have been reading all the messages that everyone was saying. No wonder he was so of last night. This must have crushed him.

"I think at a time like this a boy needs a male to show him the way. It'll give him a good support system," Jonathan added.

She couldn't deny it. After seeing the bullying that was taking place she couldn't deny that it might be a good idea to have someone teach Brandon the way.

"Well what would I have to do?" she asked softly, she was starting to retreat.

"We would want you to move in with Brandon until his memory can return. We don't think it'll take longer than the summer. You'll move in and act as his wife. Cooking, raising children, cleaning, those kinds of things. You'll have to attend all public meetings and gatherings." Jonathan tugged a booklet of papers out of his bag and slid it over to her "this is a contract we need you to sign. You will be in every possible way his wife. Whatever he needs you will provide for him".

Madison grabbed the file and started to go through it "I really should have a lawyer read over this before I sign everything".

"We don't have any time. His doctor says he can come home on Monday, and today is Saturday. We need to move fast," Rebecca said.

Madison started to think about what this would mean for Brandon. Her mind went back to the conversation she heard him have with his buddy. She thought about how lonely and isolated he sounded. How without his wife he had nobody but himself. No one should ever have to be completely alone. Maybe going through with this wont just help her family, it might just benefit Brandon too. Without another thought she grabbed the pen and quickly signed her name. That was it. Everything was final now.

"Alright" Jonathan took the file away "now that is final maybe we should make some plans".

"What do you mean?" Madison asked confused.

"Well there are a few things we need to settle first" Rebecca said, "We have to arrange for a time for you to move in tomorrow".

"Tomorrow? Isn't that a little too soon?" she asked biting her bottom lip.

"We don't have a choice. We want to give you one day there until he arrives the next morning" Rebecca said, "It'll be better to tare the bandage off quickly".

"I understand" Madison said with a small sigh. This is what needed to happen.

"We will be by first thing tomorrow morning to come and get you all" Rebecca stood "it might be a good idea to talk to your children before then". The couple gave a final nod and excused themselves.

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