Chapter 19

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Just some sketches getting better at drawing)

You hummed raising from your berth and placing the datapad you were reading down. Now seemed like a good time to wake up and go out. You arrived at the main room and you nodded in greeting at ratchet as you walked in to which he responded to with a grunt.

You sat in your normal spot in front of the vines which were just starting growing back. Soon enough everyone else walked in one at a time Bumblebee being the last to wonder in rubbing his helm. You blinked when you felt a drop of moisture on your helm. You looked up at the hole to get another drop right between the optics.  You didn't have much time to ponder this when an alarm went off.

Soon enough you were craving through the grey sky following the grounders driving below you. The abandoned factory was within sight, let's hope these humans aren't doing something stupid.


Turns out they were doing something stupid.

The ringing was deafening in your audios as you opened an optic slowly lifting your helm from the floor. For what ever reason you felt more armored and heftier. You rubbed your optic with a red and white servo rubbing at your still aching helm. Your joints felt stiff, possibly because of crashing into several things when the device exploded.

You tilted your helm scratching at your chin with dull digits as you watched a creepily familiar pair of wings start to twitch to life. You froze throws are your wings! You looked down to at your servos. They weren't the sharp claws you grew up with. They were square and red and white. Your gaze traveled up your left arm you spotted a familiar scar mid-forearm that belonged to your medic.

Your optics where wide and you wanted to scream somehow the organic device exploding caused you to possess the protoform of Ratchet. You watched your form rise disoriented with closed optics they rubbed your helm.

"Frag..." they cursed in the raspy tone of ratchets voice

He cracked open your (e/c) optics to which they shot open wide when they spotted you. Slowly he pulled a servo from you helm and stared at your sharp digits one d toe optics twitching.

(Lol I'm getting better)

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(Lol I'm getting better)

"Ratchet?" You spoke concerned

"Tell me this is a cruel dream my processor decided to give me..." he spoke dashing your optics to you sitting in his form

"I would like to say yes, but that would be a lie." You spoke

The mech groaned leaning back on your hips, "and I thought today couldn't get any worse..."

You shrugged standing and walking over to him. Prime finally broke through the door the others following him in.

"Ratchet report?" He spoke looking at you

"The human device exploded Prime." Everyone stared with wide optics at your form admitting Ratchets voice, "it also seems to have switched both (y/n)s processor information so currently my processor inhabits her form." He gestured over to you, "And she inhabits mine."

You shot Bee a sharp glare as he released a choked sound similar to that of a laugh. He straightened and chuckled.

"That's an (y/n) glare right there." He laughed causing you to roll your optics

"We're unsure how long it will last... or if it is reversible..." Ratchet piped up again holding your servos together, "But I have yet to examine the wreckage to see if we can piece together what exactly happened and how to reverse it."

"... well we can have Captian Fanzone get someone to bring it to the base... for now let's transform and head back.." the Prime spoke looking from the two of you

"... Prime I can't fly."

"And I can't drive!"

He sighs, "I guess we'll walk home."


You muttered plopping down onto the floor in front of the vines. You now under stand the human phrase, "You never know somebody until you've walked a mile in there shoes." Well you've walked ten.

"(Y/nnnn) why are your pedes so heavy!?" You heard Ratchet complain

"That's where a majority of my weight is." You replied stretching out a sore shoulder

This is gonna be difficult.

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