2.23 - Treasure Hunt [ II ]

Start from the beginning

I tuned the rest out and replayed the words she just uttered. "Enjoy food, games, the magic show.." I mumbled to myself. There, I have my answer. I don't know whether the gods are helping me or it's just my luck but I thank them for helping me as I ran towards the next place where I might find my next riddle. I stopped in front of a tent that had a banner on top that read 'Charlie's Magic Show'.  I opened the entrance covered in cloth and entered inside. Chatters and excitement filled the air as I watched parents along with their children sitting on chairs in front of a small stage that has a rectangular object covered in red satin cloth. I walked in the very front and sat on an empty seat and joined them in their wait for the magician to come and start with his tricks. Moments passed and still he didn't arrived. My leg began to bounce up and down and I grew impatient.

With a huff, I stood up from my seat and climbed on the stage. Looking around for the entrance of the backstage I found an opening and entered it. Impatient yelling greeted me as I walked further inside. People passed through me frantically searching for something. I wasn't intrested in that something I was instrested in someone so I stopped the first person I found who happened to be a young lady dressed in a glitering dress that hardly covered her body. I looked at her makeup caked face and and restrained myself from grimacing. "Where is Charlie? The magician." I asked. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows, morelike coloured eyebrows pulled together while her grey eyes looked at me from head to toe.

"We don't know, we are looking for him." She said and resumed searching for the said magician. My eyes widened in realisation. If he is missing then how will I know where is my next riddle?

I grumbled out loud which earned me some wierd looks from other people but I chose to ignore it. I exited the tent to find the sun setting behind the huge ferris wheel. I lifted my hand and saw the time which read as six. I have only two hours left and I'm still on my fifth riddle.

Suddenly a crimson liquid on the ground caught my attention. I crouched down and touched the wet substance with the tip on my index finger. I knew what it was but was too scared to admit it. Rubbing it with my thumb, I bought my fingers closer to my nose and sniffed it. The coppery scent confirmed my thoughts. It was indeed blood.

I looked around and found a trail of blood drops. Curiosity got the better of me and I began to follow the trail. With a thumping heart and fear as my companion, I reached at a secluded part of the carnival. Spare things were messily stored around. The trail stopped in front of a white cloth that acted as a curtain between me and the object on the other side. I was scared, fucking terrified, but I didn't have time to waste. I gulped and shut my eyes tightly before lifting my hand and grasping the white cloth and pulling it down in one swift move. An awful smell hit my nose making me barf. I covered my nose and slowly opened my eyes. I don't know whether I should be terrified by the sight in front of me that no doubt will haunt me for the rest of my life, or be relieved that my imagination has be proven wrong as I stared at the dead deer in front of me. His stomach was slashed with a knife giving a perfect view of his insides. His eyes were wide open in fear and lifeless but what caught my attention was the white note on his chest with a knife holding it in place.

I definitely wasn't going to remove that knife so I took the page and pulled it out. Immediately I ran back in the crowded place of the fair and took some deep, fresh air. After I calmed down a little I began reading the note. Red blood stained the paper making some words unable to read but I squinted my eyes to read them.

Terrified, weren't you? So was I when I heard you were alive but don't worry you won't be for long. You better hurry or else your daughter won't be alive for long too.
Your next riddle is..
I am soft and cuddly filled with cloud, I have hands but I can't touch, I have legs but I can't walk, I have mouth but I don't speak, I am everyone's first best friend. 

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